Earning Rp 24 Billion for Kedaireka Matching Fund Program, LKST IPB University Trains Innovators so that the Program Runs Clear and Clean

Earning Rp 24 Billion for Kedaireka Matching Fund Program, LKST IPB University Trains Innovators so that the Program Runs Clear and Clean

Raih Rp 24 Miliar Program Dana Padanan Kedaireka, LKST IPB University Bekali Inovator agar Program Berjalan Clear and Clean

The Science and Technology Area Institute (LKST) of IPB University held a contract signing as well as a briefing for innovators who passed the Kedaireka 2024 Matching Fund program. The event was held at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor (3/7).

This year, there were 20 proposals from IPB University innovators that passed the Matching Fund program from the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) and the Directorate of Vocational Education (Ditjen Diksi) – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

The debriefing workshop covers the financial system, procurement of goods and services, internal audit and financial reporting on the HR Portal of IPB University. Prof Dwi Guntoro, Assistant Director of LKST IPB University in the field of Innovation Development, said that this workshop is important for recipients of the Matching Fund program, especially regarding the financial system.

“The financial system is often the material for examination from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). In addition, the winners of the Matching Fund program have a situation when they have to purchase equipment, so it is also important to understand the procurement system,” said Prof Dwi.

Chairperson of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi in her speech expressed her appreciation for the persistence and struggle of IPB University innovators to participate in the 2024 Matching Fund program.

“This event is held not only as a refresher for researchers but also so that the program runs clear and clean or C and C,” said Prof Erika.

In addition, she advised the participants to maintain good relations with industrial partners who were working together. She mentioned that the total funding received by IPB University from Ditjen Dikti and Ditjen Diksi amounted to 12 billion. The funds are matched with funding from partners of the same amount, so that the total funds amount to Rp 24 billion.

“We must be committed to all IPB University innovations that are ready for us to commercialize in collaboration with partners, both institutional partners, government, and industry. After all, the results of our intellectual work can be useful for innovators and IPB University can make a major contribution in increasing the achievement of scientific studies,” he concluded.

Innovation development proposals that receive funding are in the form of product innovation, digital systems and community development. The 2024 matching fund program will run until December 2024. (IAAS/NAU)