Collaboration between SPs IPB University and EWINDO, Encourages Human Resource Development in the Horticulture Sector

Collaboration between SPs IPB University and EWINDO, Encourages Human Resource Development in the Horticulture Sector

Kerja Sama SPs IPB University dan EWINDO, Dorong Pengembangan SDM Bidang Hortikultura

IPB University Postgraduate School (SPs) signed a collaboration agreement with PT East West Seed Indonesia (EWINDO) at the Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) IPB University (3/7).  This collaboration includes special educational programs in the Master’s Study Program (Prodi) in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology (PBT) for the academic year 2024/2025 to 2025/2026.

The aim of this collaboration is to develop human resources (HR) in the field of horticulture.  Later, graduates are expected to have competencies in the field of plant breeding and tropical plant biotechnology that are creative, innovative and participatory, and recognized nationally and internationally.

Prof Suryo Wiyono, Dean of Faperta IPB University in his speech expressed his appreciation to the PBT Study Program for initiating this collaboration program.  The need for registration pathways that suit the needs of society, in this case with industry, including this special program, can encourage the development of study programs to be even better.

“This PBT study program is one of the study programs that is most concerned about its students, especially about being able to graduate on time, so it is a very appropriate choice.  “Apart from that, the outputs produced from the research results are very good,” he said.

Prof Titi Candra Sunarti, Vice Dean of SPS IPB University for Resources, Cooperation and Development, said, “Our hope is that after collaborating with industry, in this case EWINDO, it can be a motivation to induce other industries that education is a necessity and they can continue to learn, especially  related to science.”

Prof Edi Santosa as Chairman of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB University, added that this collaboration program is the first that can be expected to be sustainable.  “However, connecting universities with industry is not an easy thing.  “Hopefully this cooperation program can continue,” he said.

“Apart from that, we hope that students who will study at the IPB University PBT Masters Study Program can complete their studies on time and with quality so that it can be useful for everyone,” he added.

Meanwhile, Fatkhu Rokhman, SP, MSi as Director of Research and Development at EWINDO expressed his thanks to SPs (Postgraduate School) IPB University for the implementation of this cooperation program.  He said that at EWINDO, the plant breeding process plays a key role in providing quality seeds.  Therefore, human resource development for the plant breeder profession is urgently needed.

“This program is also a manifestation of EWINDO Academy as a forum for employee self-development, one of the pillars of which is education enhancement. We hope that this collaboration can encourage the development of superior vegetable varieties, so that in the end it will advance Indonesia’s horticultural agricultural sector,” he said.  (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/EXC)