BOCHIL: Healthy Drinks for Children, IPB University Student Presentation, Sweet Drink Substitute Solution

BOCHIL: Healthy Drinks for Children, IPB University Student Presentation, Sweet Drink Substitute Solution

BOCHIL Minuman Sehat untuk Anak, Persembahan Mahasiswa IPB University, Solusi Pengganti Minuman Manis
Student Insight EN

As an effort to improve the health quality of Indonesian children, the IPB University Student Creativity Program team in the field of Entrepreneurship (PKM-K) introduced BOCHIL, a healthy drink that is a solution to overcome excessive sweet drinking habits.

According to Rafi Pranaja, the leader of the PKM team, BOCHIL is designed not only to meet children’s tastes with delicious flavours, but also to prevent obesity which is often caused by excessive sugar consumption.

“Indonesia has a large sugary drink market, it can be seen from various products that flood supermarkets and minimarkets. However, most of these products do not support children’s health. Realising this, BOCHIL is present as a healthier alternative, by using natural ingredients,” he said.

The BOCHIL team consists of Rafi Pranaja, Sarah Alia Rubi, Putri Uswatun Hasanah, Hanif Riza Mubarak, and Fauzan Bara Putra. This IPB University student offers an innovative approach in conveying knowledge about the dangers of excessive sugar consumption.

“Each package is equipped with an educational card that uses Augmented Reality (AR) technology, making it an interesting and interactive learning medium for children,” added Rafi.

In terms of quality, the main composition of the product consists of real fruit juice plus the fortification of sargassum and spirulina makes the BOCHIL content authentic and nutritious – the last two ingredients that are proven to have antiobesity effects through the mechanism of breaking down glucose.

Rafi explained, the development of BOCHIL involves various stages of taste validation with the participation of various audiences to ensure the right formula. As a result, BOCHIL comes in five variants of children’s favourite flavours: apple, mango, guava, orange, and pineapple. Each variant gets a positive assessment, showing that BOCHIL successfully combines aspects of health and taste enjoyment.

“The consumption of BOCHIL can bring significant changes in the consumption habits of sugary drinks in children. By reducing excessive sugar intake, BOCHIL helps prevent obesity and other related health problems,” he explained.

“BOCHIL is a clear proof that small changes can have a big impact in an effort to improve the quality of health of Indonesian children gradually and realistically,” added Rafi.

He also explained, BOCHIL can be purchased through the Instagram contact @ada.bochil. This product is offered at an affordable price, which is Rp3.000 per pcs, and is available in unit packaging or 10 pcs packages. In the context of grand launching, various special offers are also available that can be monitored through Instagram and the official BOCHIL marketplace.

With the presence of BOCHIL, Rafi and the PKM of IPB University team hope that Indonesian children can enjoy drinks that are not only delicious but also healthy. The habit of consuming unhealthy sugary drinks can be significantly reduced, bringing positive changes in children’s lifestyles and contributing to improving the quality of their health.

“For more information and purchases, visit Instagram @ada.bochil and support small steps but this means towards a healthier future for the younger generation of Indonesia,” he concluded. (*/Rz) (IAAS/IAN)