What Did the Rector of IPB University Say After the Cancellation of UKT Increase by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology?

What Did the Rector of IPB University Say After the Cancellation of UKT Increase by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology?

Apa Kata Rektor IPB University Pasca Pembatalan Kenaikan UKT oleh Kemendikbudristek?

The increase in the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) was finally cancelled by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Makarim (27/5). The Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Dirjen Diktiristek) officially sent a letter Number 0511/E/PR.07.04/2024 to the Rector of State Universities with Legal Entities (PTNBH) and State Universities (PTN) to cancel and revoke the recommendation and approval of UKT tariffs and Institution Development Fees (IPI) in 2024 at 75 (seventy-five) PTN and PTNBH.

Then what about the UKT policy at IPB University after this cancellation policy? Here is the explanation of the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria.

“IPB University appreciates this new policy and of course we will follow what the government has decided. Regarding UKT at IPB University, we have always developed a climate of dialogue with students. Alhamdulillah, so far the communication has gone well,” he said.

Furthermore, he said, the cancellation of the UKT increase by the Minister of Education, Culture and Research did not really affect IPB University. Because, so far the proportion of UKT is only 23 per cent of IPB University’s income.

Prof Arif said, IPB University is always looking for ways to obtain additional income from other sources. IPB University’s status as a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) has been trying to make creative efforts to obtain funding, including forms of cooperation, asset utilisation and so on.

“The composition of income from UKT is 23 per cent of the total costs that must be incurred by IPB University. Funds from the government are 30 per cent. As much as 47 percent is supported by IPB University’s creative efforts such as cooperation, asset utilisation and so on,” he explained.

During this time, he continued, the UKT per student was determined according to the income of parents and the chosen study programme. After the cancellation of the UKT increase by the Ministry of Education and Culture, IPB University’s UKT policy in 2024 will return to the same as the previous year.

The same goes for the Leadership Development Fee (BPKP), which was originally to be charged to students who entered through the PIN Pathway and Student Council Chairperson, is now eliminated.

Prof Arif asserted that since 2016, IPB University has never raised the UKT. IPB University also has a commitment to help students complete their studies.

“IPB University strives to always support students, one of which is by providing various scholarships so that economic constraints are expected not to dampen the enthusiasm of students to continue studying. Last year we were able to raise around Rp121 billion for student scholarships. The point is that there should not be students who cannot continue their studies because of financial problems,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)