Supporting Children’s Growth and Development, IPB University’s Quality Family School is Present in Babakan

Supporting Children’s Growth and Development, IPB University’s Quality Family School is Present in Babakan

Dukung Tumbuh Kembang Anak, Sekolah Keluarga Berkualitas IPB University Hadir di Babakan

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) together with the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK) IPB University held the first meeting of Quality Family Schools (SKB) in Babakan Village, Dramaga, Bogor on 7/6. This activity was guided by Dr Melly Latifah with the material “Characteristics of Baduta and the Environment Baduta’s Need for Optimal Growth and Development.”

In this event, Dr. Melly Latifah conveyed the importance of supporting children’s curiosity from an early age. “Don’t kill children’s curiosity, giving children the opportunity to explore is very important for their cognitive and emotional development,” explained Dr Melly.

Dr Melly also emphasized the need to provide a variety of toys such as colorful balls, objects of various shapes and colors, disassembly toys and puzzles. “These toys not only stimulate children’s creativity and imagination but also help them develop fine and gross motor skills,” she explained.

“What is no less important is accompanying children when playing, because interaction with parents has a big influence on children’s social and emotional development,”she added.

Dr Melly continued, by holding this meeting, it is hoped that parents will be more educated and able to create an environment that supports children’s curiosity and exploration, so that children can grow and develop optimally.

This meeting was attended by 30 participants who were enthusiastic to learn more about how to support children’s development. Participants are invited to better understand the characteristics of children under two years of age (baduta) and how to create an environment that is conducive to optimal growth and development.

“This event is very beneficial for us as parents. We understand better how to support our children’s curiosity without limiting or hindering their development,” said one participant.

DPMA and the IKK Department of IPB University hope that this SKB program can continue to run and provide significant benefits for families in Babakan Village and its surroundings. (*/Lp) (IAAS/HSB)