SPs IPB University Holds UKBI Test for International Students: A Strategic Step to Streamline Indonesian Speaking

SPs IPB University Holds UKBI Test for International Students: A Strategic Step to Streamline Indonesian Speaking

SPs IPB University Gelar Tes UKBI untuk Mahasiswa Internasional: Langkah Strategis Melancarkan Berbahasa Indonesia

Postgraduate School (SPs) IPB University held an Indonesian Language Proficiency Test (UKBI) for international students from the Developing Country Partnership (KNB) scholarship programme and non-KNB both master and doctoral programmes at SPs IPB University. The UKBI exam was held at the Library Building, IPB Dramaga Campus on 4/6.

Dr Defina, lecturer coordinator of the Indonesian language class said that the UKBI was given to foreign students to measure their ability to speak Indonesian and the results would be a guideline for SPs IPB University to know their level.

“Based on the law, international students studying in Indonesia must at least have a level 5 to be able to attend lectures in Indonesian,” she said.

Dr Defina added that these international students had previously followed the UKBI simulation exercise for two days, the aim being for students to get practice and existing skills, and to see the types of questions.

“The target of the international students in this UKBI exam is to achieve a predicate value of Semenjana (score 405-481), this predicate shows that UKBI participants are adequate in communicating using Indonesian, both orally and in writing,” she added.

Meanwhile, Fatmasari Siregar, MM, Chief of the Public Relations, Cooperation and New Student Admission Subdivision of SPs IPB University said that currently as many as nine students receiving KNB scholarships in 2023 at SPs IPB University come from eight countries including Rwanda, Uganda, Yemen, Afghanistan, Solomon Islands, Sudan and Syria.

“International students from the KNB programme in the first year are required to take part in the Indonesian language programme as a provision for following education at SPs IPB University and in the second year they are given an Indonesian cultural traveller programme,” said Fatmasari.

She explained that the introduction of Indonesian culture is very important so that international students can understand the culture that exists in Indonesia, so that it can become a medium for promoting Indonesian culture in the international realm.

“International students from the KNB programme are expected to contribute to positive dynamics and cross-cultural interactions between the Indonesian academic community and international students,” she explained. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)