SPs IPB University Holds Socialization of Talent Management Program and BRIN-LPDP Cooperation Scholarship Program

SPs IPB University Holds Socialization of Talent Management Program and BRIN-LPDP Cooperation Scholarship Program

SPs IPB University Adakan Sosialisasi Program Manajemen Talenta dan Program Beasiswa Kerja Sama BRIN-LPDP

Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held the Socialization of Talent Management Program of National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and Scholarship Program of BRIN Cooperation with Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor (14/6). Participants who attended this socialization consisted of students of undergraduate and master programs, alumni and civitas in the environment of IPB University as many as 300 people.

BRIN Talent Management Program is a doctoral level scholarship in collaboration between LPDP and BRIN which is intended for all Indonesian Citizens (WNI) in order to improve the quality of human resources (HR) at the doctoral level who are skilled in national research in the fields of biodiversity, nuclear, aviation and space, and maritime.

Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Dean of SPs IPB University in his speech said that the Talent Management program is a very good breakthrough from BRIN- LPDP. He said, “Countries such as Japan and Singapore, want young talents from Southeast Asia (ASEAN), especially from Indonesia, so this program can be well utilized by students and alumni of SPs IPB University.”

Prof Dodik added that SPs IPB University is very grateful and appreciates the efforts of BRIN-LPDP through the Talent Management program and scholarship programs like this. “Hopefully, these programs can trigger students and alumni to continue learning and continue their higher studies,” he added.

Meanwhile, Martira Putri MPd from BRIN explained that Talent Management has several programs, namely degree by research, degree by research with a collaboration platform, BRIN-LPDP strategic doctoral scholarships and regular LPDP scholarships.

“The degree by research program is a learning program to increase the capacity of state civil apparatus (ASN) and other human resources through formal education at the master and doctoral levels based on research activities without leaving official duties. This program is also open to non-ASN,” he explained.

He also said that the study programs of the national research talent doctoral scholarship are in the fields of aviation and space studies (satellite and avionics technology research), maritime deep sea technology (deep sea technology research), advanced biodiversity utilization (genomic research, omics, bioinformatics, genetic engineering), and radiation and nuclear technology (cyclotron and fusion technology research),

“This scholarship program opens on June 19, 2024 and lasts for five years with 500 scholarship recipient candidates,” he added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/SNI)