SKPM IPB University Signs MoU with Social Investment Indonesia through SIRD Goes to Campus

SKPM IPB University Signs MoU with Social Investment Indonesia through SIRD Goes to Campus

SKPM IPB University Teken MoU dengan Social Investment Indonesia Lewat SIRD Goes To Campus

The Department of Communication Science and Community Development (SKPM) IPB University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Social Investment Indonesia (SII) through the Social Investment Roundtable Discussion (SIRD) Goes to Campus event with the theme “Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Social Investment” in Lecture Room B1, IPB Dramaga Campus, on 6/6.

In addition to being a moment of cooperation agreement, the activity also became a moment of the final workshop of the Capital and Social Investment (KIS) course. Not only that, this event also became the peak event to announce the winners of a series of poster and photography competitions that had been held for students throughout Indonesia.

Chairperson of the Department of SKPM IPB University, Dr Anna Fatchiya, hopes that the cooperation between SKPM IPB University and SII can continue and this is a good start for both parties.

“Through this collaboration, hopefully the development of Human Resources (HR) in the realm of social investment can be realized starting from the scope of SKPM and extending to outside SKPM later,” said Anna.

Meanwhile, Dr Megawati Simanjuntak, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University in the field of Academic and Student Affairs said that the value brought by SII is in accordance with Fema.

“SII’s values are in line with our values at Fema, so we need to follow up this collaboration in the form of research, education and service. This cooperation is also an opportunity for students to carry out internships at SII and maybe even a place for students to work later,” he explained.

The event continued with a discussion with three speakers, namely Jalal (Chairperson Advisory SII); Fajar Kurniawan (Managing Partner SII) and Fiki Abubakar (Corporate Social Responsibility Specialist at PT Indo Tambangraya Megah, Tbk).

Fajar Kurniawan, Managing Partner at SII, explains the concept of social investment. “CSR is a social responsibility guideline that can be used by various parties, both government and private, to achieve sustainability. Social responsibility guidelines actually have a broad scope, one of which is community development,” he explained.

Another speaker, Fiki Abubakar as CSR Specialist, discussed his role at PT Indo Tambangraya Megah, Tbk in implementing ESG and Social Investment in Indonesia.

“We describe our activities in the form of a CSR tree, so the roots are people, with the hope that the roots will get better and stronger so that the trunk will also get stronger and produce a lot of fruit, namely the satisfaction of many stakeholders,” he said.

Meanwhile, Jalal as Chairperson of Advisory SII explained the implementation of ESG and Social Investment in community development in Indonesia.

“Community development involving social investment is community development involving social investment that not only focuses on the benefits obtained by the community but also for the company. So there is investment and social responsibility,” said the SII Advisory Chairperson. (Exciyona/Lp) (IAAS/Aly)