SKHB IPB University Animal Ethics Commission Team Visit PT Biofarma, Encourage Education and Research Cooperation

SKHB IPB University Animal Ethics Commission Team Visit PT Biofarma, Encourage Education and Research Cooperation

Tim Komisi Etik Hewan SKHB IPB University Kunjungi PT Biofarma, Dorong Kerja Sama Pendidikan dan Riset

School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University organised a visit to PT Biofarma Bandung, recently. The visit was led by the Chairman of the Animal Ethics Commission (KEH) of SKHB IPB University, Prof drh Arief Boediono, PhD, PAVet(K), accompanied by the Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development (SKP), Dr drh Andriyanto, and Head of the Laboratory Animal Management Unit (UPHL), Dr drh Amaq Fadholly.

The visit was warmly welcomed by the Vice President of Management of PT Biofarma. The event began with the presentation of material on the use of laboratory animals in the pharmaceutical industry by PT Biofarma. Furthermore, the SKHB IPB University team visited various facilities owned by PT Biofarma, including those located on Jl Pasteur No 28, Pasteur, Sukajadi District, Bandung City, and on Jl Colonel Masturi No Kav 10, Kertawangi, Cisarua District, West Bandung Regency, West Java.

Not only the directors of SKHB IPB University, this visit was also attended by several lecturers and education staff, including Vera Nora Indra Astuti, SPt, MM as The Chief of Administration, and members of the KEH team. Both parties hope that this visit can be followed by further cooperation in the fields of education, research, and community service.

“Cooperation with PT Biofarma is expected to strengthen our research and education capabilities, and provide greater benefits to society,” said Prof Arief, Chairman of KEH SKHB IPB University.

PT Biofarma as one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia welcomes this potential collaboration. They consider that collaboration with academic institutions such as SKHB IPB University can encourage further innovation and development in the fields of biotechnology and animal health. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)