Sinergi Berqurban 2024 Program, IPB Students Distribute 235 Packages of Sacrificial Meat for Campus Circle Villages

The Circle Family of Bidikmisi and KIP College Students (Galaksi) IPB University and the Postgraduate Student Forum (FW) IPB University through the Bidikmisi Turun Desa (BMTD) division of Galaksi and Community Development (Comdev) FW collaborated to organize the Sinergi Berqurban 2024 program. This is the second year of the collaborative program held with a different location, namely in Balumbang Jaya Village, West Bogor District.
The executive chairman, Muhammad Luthfi Ichsan Syam, said that Sinergi Berqurban 2024 is a form of dedication from IPB University students to the villagers around the campus who are in need. He said, this program received a warm and enthusiastic welcome from the people of Balumbang Jaya Village, even since the location survey was conducted.
“The community is very enthusiastic about this event. Honestly, qurbani in Musala Nurul Iman is very rare. Even if there is one, the residents don’t get evenly distributed. There are people from other neighborhoods. But the meat never reaches here. So, I’m really touched that this year there is qurbani in Musala Nurul Iman,” said Nanang, Chairman of the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM) in RW 04 Balumbang Jaya Village to the students when met at the slaughter location (6/17).
The high enthusiasm of the people of Balumbang Jaya Village was one of the encouragement for the committee to collect donations. The form of donations opened is not only for qurbani, but also for meat alms, so that the hope is not burdensome for students and the general public who want to participate in this program.
“All of today’s animals we get from open donations conducted for approximately one month. Alhamdulillah, the response from friends of the IPB University community and the surrounding community is also very good and supportive of this activity,” Luthfi explained.
In a relatively short time, IPB University students successfully obtained donations from the Gladiagri 28 Foundation in the form of a cow and two sheep. The committee also managed to collect meat alms donations totaling Rp11,975,554. The donations were used to buy three sheep and two goats.
IPB University students and the community of Balumbang Jaya Village worked together in slaughtering and distributing 235 meat packages to the surrounding community.
The enthusiasm of the community was again seen from the long queue that was very orderly and the smiling faces that radiated after they received meat packages from the committee.
“I’m really happy, tea. I can finally get meat. Even though it’s only a little, it’s evenly distributed, tea. Usually we don’t get it at all, we can only see it,” said one of the happy residents.
“Overall, the implementation of Sinergi Berqurban 2024 was a success. This program also received appreciation from the urban village for their concern for the community,” said Hizkia Immanuel, Chairman of Galaksi 2024.
In addition, the entire Kelurahan Government and Babinsa from the local Koramil were also present and gave appreciation to IPB University students. They hope that the existing program can be sustainable.
“The Sinergi Berqurban activity is a good start as a community service program that will later be implemented by IPB University friends here. Hopefully this can be sustainable,” explained Obby, Secretary of Balumbang Jaya Village. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)