School of Family Quality IPB University Holds Family Financial Management Assistance in Situgede Village, Bogor

School of Family Quality IPB University Holds Family Financial Management Assistance in Situgede Village, Bogor

Sekolah Keluarga Berkualitas IPB University Gelar Pendampingan Pengelolaan Keuangan Keluarga di Kelurahan Situgede, Bogor

IPB University’s School of Family Quality held its 3rd mentoring program for housewives in Situgede Village, Bogor City, West Java. This mentoring program is part of an ongoing effort to increase the capacity and skills of families in managing their daily lives, especially in terms of financial management.

This activity was attended by a number of mothers who were enthusiastic to learn and gain new knowledge in managing their family finances. This activity was not just an ordinary meeting, but a workshop designed to provide practical and applicable knowledge.

The guest speaker was Dr Lilik Noor Yuliati, MFSA, an IPB University lecturer at the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema). She has extensive experience and expertise in the field of family financial management, so her material was very relevant and useful for the participants.

In her presentation entitled “Smartly Managing Family Finances,” Dr Lilik emphasized the importance of good and planned financial management. She explained various strategies and techniques for managing household finances, including how to make a budget, record expenses, and identify financial priorities.

One of the key points Dr Lilik made was the need to consider spending based on needs, not wants. She underlined, “This habit can help families maintain financial stability and avoid financial problems in the future.”

In addition, Dr Lilik also taught ways to avoid consumptive temptations that often lead to waste. She suggests that every family make short-term and long-term financial plans, and involve all family members in the financial management process.

“Thus, it is hoped that families can be wiser in managing income and expenses, and be able to achieve their financial goals more effectively,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)