Ready to Implement KKN-Thematic Innovation, DPMA IPB University Explores Service Locations in 3 Districts

Ready to Implement KKN-Thematic Innovation, DPMA IPB University Explores Service Locations in 3 Districts

Siap Laksanakan KKN-Tematik Inovasi, DPMA IPB University Jajaki Lokasi Pengabdian di 3 Kabupaten Ini

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) of IPB University explored locations for the implementation of the Innovation Real – Thematic Work Lecture programme in a number of districts. Some of these areas include West Tulang Bawang Regency and East Lampung Regency, Lampung Province; and Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province.

This step is part of the preparation for the success of community service activities that will be carried out by IPB University students in the KKNT Inovasi 2024 programme. The programme aims to empower communities through the application of appropriate innovations and technologies, as well as improving welfare and the local economy.

KKN-Thematic Innovation activities in West Tulang Bawang Regency will be carried out in five villages, namely Panaragan Jaya Utama Village, Mulya Jaya Village, Panaragan Jaya Indah Village, Tirta Kencana Village, and Tirta Makmur Village.

The DPMA IPB University delegation who attended this assessment had the opportunity to discuss with the local sub-district and village governments about the potential and needs. They also visited several locations in the five villages to see first-hand the field conditions and map out the work programme to be carried out.

“The Innovation KKN-Thematic programme is one of IPB University’s efforts to make a real contribution to regional development through community service. We hope this programme can run successfully and provide significant benefits to the community,” said Danang Aria Nugroho, SE, MSi, Supervisor of Agromaritime Services and Digital Farming, DPMA IPB University.

In Tulang Bawang Tengah Sub-district, the location assessment team was welcomed by Head of Sub-district Achmad Nazarudin, SIP, MIP and the village heads. Achmad hopes that the KKN-Thematic Innovation activity can provide real benefits for the community there. “We also hope that students can blend in well with the local community and uphold local cultural values,” he said.

The same thing also happened in East Lampung Regency. Deputy Regent of East Lampung Regency, Azwar Hadi, SE, MS also appreciated IPB University’s initiative to make East Lampung a new location for the implementation of KKN-Thematic Innovation. In East Lampung Regency, the location of KKN-Thematic Innovation is implemented in two villages, namely Taman Endah Village and Taman Negeri Village.

“We warmly welcome the arrival of DPMA IPB University and hope that this KKN-Tematik Inovasi activity can open wider collaboration opportunities and have a positive impact on the community in East Lampung Regency,” said Azwar.

Meanwhile, in Wonogiri Regency, the visit was conducted in two sub-districts, namely Karang Tengah and Jatipurno. The exploration was carried out directly by Dr Ninuk Purnaningsih as the Regional Coordinator Lecturer (Korwil) of Innovation KKN-Thematic in Wonogiri Regency along with one of the Field Supervisors (DPL), namely Krishandini, MPd.

Both sub-districts are located in the highlands. Karang Tengah and Jatipurno sub-districts have great potential in agriculture and plantations, one of which is clove.

In Karang Tengah sub-district, other commodities include daily consumption vegetables, such as chillies, cucumbers, tomatoes, mustard greens, long beans, and beans. As for Jatipurno, the sub-district also has tourism potential with several tourist forests that also act as nature conservation sites.

“Thank you for choosing Jatipurno Sub-district as a place for the implementation of the Innovation KKN-Thematic programme. Hopefully the activities carried out by IPB University students can help and motivate the community,” said Dwi, Secretary of Jatipurno Sub-district when receiving the visit of the IPB team at the Jatipurno Sub-district Office. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)