Present at IPB University, Vietnamese Rice Expert Explains the Management of Rice Production Areas

Present at IPB University, Vietnamese Rice Expert Explains the Management of Rice Production Areas

Hadir di IPB University, Ahli Padi Vietnam Jelaskan Pengelolaan Kawasan Produksi Padi

Prof Nguyen Thi Lang, a rice expert from Vietnam, was present at IPB University as a guest lecturer in the course (MK) of Plant Production Development, Agronomy and Horticulture Study Program, Postgraduate School (SPs) of IPB University, on 14/6.

The material presented by Prof Nguyen was related to Vietnam’s steps in developing varieties and cultivation technology and managing rice production areas to successfully become a self-sufficient producer country and become a major exporter of rice.

In his speech, Chairman of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture (AGH), Prof Edi Santosa, explained the importance of building institutional cooperation networks to improve the quality of education, research and service work in the agricultural community, especially for the development of rice which is a national strategic commodity.

“Sharing knowledge and experience among researchers, especially across countries, in addition to adding insight will also have an impact on the acceleration of mastery of science and technology. The spirit of synergy between researchers across state territories indicates the spirit of spreading benefits for humanity and the universe,” explained Prof Edi.

“The Crop Production Development course is intended to provide the ability to analyze how science is bridged into an implementation program in the midst of a community of agricultural actors,” explained Dr Ahmad Junaedi, Coordinator of the Crop Production Development course.

He continued, in the Crop Production Development course, the strengthening of the lecturer team was carried out by inviting national and international academics and agricultural experts with qualified experience and reputation.

Guest lecturer at the Crop Production Development course, Prof Nguyen Thi Lang, who is also the Director of the High Agriculture Technology Research Institute (HATRI) Vietnam, explained the technology of assembling rice varieties in Vietnam, developing a rice seed production and distribution system, and building a very large rice farming area in the Mekong Delta.

“The younger generation in Vietnam farms in groups of about 40 people in a stretch of land of about 200 ha by utilizing drone devices for direct seeding, fertilization and pest and disease control,” he said.

He said that he has been researching and developing rice in Vietnam for more than 35 years. He is also involved in many rice development research collaborations with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) of the Philippines, with Korea and Japan. (IAAS/HLF)