Preparing Job-Ready Graduates, IKA Faperta IPB University Holds ‘BGA in Campus Recruitment’

Preparing Job-Ready Graduates, IKA Faperta IPB University Holds ‘BGA in Campus Recruitment’

Persiapkan Lulusan Siap Kerja, IKA Faperta IPB University Gelar ‘BGA in Campus Recruitment’

The Alumni Family Association of the Faculty of Agriculture (IKA Faperta) IPB University held a BGA in Campus Recruitment event that successfully attracted many students. The event took place online through the Zoom Meeting platform. The event was opened by Dr Afra D Makalew, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, who gave an inspiring and encouraging speech to the participants.

During the event, Octen Suhadi, MM, Chairman of IKA Faperta IPB University, emphasised the importance of cooperation between alumni and faculty to help students succeed in the world of work. “We hope that activities like this can continue to be held regularly to facilitate students in developing their careers,” he said.

Ade Agung, Deputy Head of Human Capital of PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro (BGA) highlighted the importance of preparing well to enter the workforce. He also explained the various opportunities offered by BGA for IPB University students.

“We are very enthusiastic to collaborate with the Faculty of Agriculture of IPB University and provide opportunities for students to grow through the programmes we offer,” said Ade.

The event included the socialisation of the Freedom of Learning -Independence Campus (MBKM) programme presented by Daniel (Human Resources PT BGA). The MBKM programme aims to provide a wider and more diverse learning experience for students, including internship opportunities and off-campus projects. In addition, a socialisation of the Basic Development Program (BDP) for fresh graduates was also held, providing information on the comprehensive career development path at PT BGA.

A total of 43 students attended this series of events with great enthusiasm. They not only gained valuable information about career opportunities and development programmes, but also had the opportunity to take a psychological test as part of the rigorous selection process. The test aims to assess the readiness and potential of the participants in facing challenges in the professional world.

The BGA in Campus Recruitment event is a tangible proof of IKA Faperta IPB University’s commitment in supporting and preparing Faculty of Agriculture students for success in the future. Hopefully similar activities can continue to be organised and provide wider benefits for the entire academic community. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)