Nabiilah’s Journey, IPB University Student Tasted Studying at the University of Sydney Through IISMA

Nabiilah’s Journey, IPB University Student Tasted Studying at the University of Sydney Through IISMA

Perjalanan Nabiilah, Mahasiswa IPB University Cicipi Kuliah di University of Sydney Lewat IISMA
Student Insight EN

The opportunity to study abroad is a dream for many students. Nabiilah Syifa Muthia Ikhsan, a student of IPB University from the Agronomy and Horticulture Study Programme (Prodi), Faculty of Agriculture who managed to realise that dream.

Nabiilah is a recipient of the International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) scholarship. The flagship programme called Freedom of Learning Independence Campus (MBKM) led her to have the opportunity to study at the University of Sydney, Australia for one semester.

There are many motivations behind Nabiilah’s desire to join the IISMA programme. According to Nabiilah, students have many privileges and facilities that must be developed and utilised. IISMA is one of them.

“The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) provides facilities to study abroad through the IISMA programme with all costs accommodated by the government. Therefore, we must utilise these facilities to learn and develop ourselves,” said this IPB University student batch 57.

She chose the University of Sydney because of its proximity to Indonesia compared to Europe or America. “Australia is one of the closest continents, so it is easier for emergency situations. In addition, the University of Sydney’s ranking is rising, so I thought it was a good opportunity to experience a conducive learning environment,” she added.

During her time there, Nabiilah experienced a multicultural atmosphere with many people from different ethnicities and cultures. The campus also provides good learning facilities. For example, free meals are often distributed around campus, especially during exam periods.

Being able to study at the University of Sydney was not without its challenges. In living there, Nabiilah faced many challenges, such as having to adjust the topic of conversation in communicating with others.

“Because there are Asians and Europeans in Australia, their cultures are different. So the style of speech and the topic of discussion must be adjusted,” said the figure who likes to use her leisure time for gardening and reading.

The alumnus of Hayatan Thayyibah Integrated Islamic High School also mentioned that the challenge during lectures in Sydney was the academic demands that were higher than in Indonesia. One of them is the amount of reading material.

“In one lecture meeting, students are required to read the material first in the form of a book of 50 to 100 pages per chapter,” said Nabiilah. Even so, according to him, this needs to be applied in Indonesia because it is very helpful in the learning process and to improve the culture of literacy.

Nabiilah also gave tips and tricks to those who want to apply for the IISMA programme. One thing she emphasised was the readiness of the files, including the English Proficiency Test (EPT).

“The first preparation is definitely the files. Then like the EPT test, it’s mandatory. Other required files can be seen on the official website. All of that must be prepared optimally, not carelessly,” explained this IPB University student born in 2002.

In addition, Nabiilah also prepared achievements from the previous year to show her capability in the IISMA selection.

Then she also said, if there are things that are confused and need advice, do not be shy to ask seniors or seniors (kating) previous IISMA awardees.

“Considering the ISMA registration graph from 2020 to 2024 is getting crowded, which means there are more and more competitors. If we cannot compete, including in terms of files, we are already behind,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)