LPDP Awardee of IPB University Postgraduate School Holds LPDP E-Scholarship Socialisation

LPDP Awardee of IPB University Postgraduate School Holds LPDP E-Scholarship Socialisation

Awardee LPDP Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Adakan Sosialisasi E-Beasiswa LPDP

Awardee of Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Agency (LPDP) Graduate School (SPs) IPB University or commonly called LPDP IPB 11.0 Village held an E-Scholarship Socialisation activity to LPDP scholarship recipients in 2024 who have passed the substance selection. This activity was carried out online (6/15) followed by candidates for the LPDP SPs IPB University master’s and doctoral programs, both those who have or have not received a Letter of Acceptance (LoA).

This activity presents speakers from the Division of Awardee Friends of LPDP IPB 11.0 Village, namely Anak Agung Eka Andiani, S.Si and Handika Dwi Prasetyo, S.Si. The material delivered includes the administrative flow after passing the substance selection, socialisation of the guidelines for prospective scholarship recipients, socialisation of the use of LPDP E-Scholarship, as well as the registration flow of new student candidates at SPs IPB University.

Wawan, S.Ak Chairman of the LPDP IPB Village Coordinator 11.0 in his speech congratulated the newly received LPDP awardee. “Our hope through this activity can provide benefits and insight to the newly received LPDP awardees regarding guidance from LPDP and also important information at SPs IPB University,” he said.

Anak Agung Eka Andiani conveyed several stages after students were declared to have passed the LPDP substance selection, namely the search for LoA unconditional, registration for LPDP departure preparation, submission of a statement letter (SP), submission of a decision letter (SK), and submission of a Letter of Guarantee (LoG).

“While specifically for LPDP awardees through the affirmation route, before looking for LoA, they are required to take part in Language Enrichment (PB) first,” she said.

She added, in addition to the administrative application to obtain LoG, the stages in the application for disbursement of scholarship funds were also conveyed as well as what requirements were needed.

“We remind again for the new LPDP awardee friends who already have LoG immediately send through the link that has been provided by LPDP IPB 11.0 Village. The data will be provided to be synchronised with SPs IPB University,” she added.

Meanwhile, Handika Dwi Prasetyo, S.Si conveyed the enrolment flow of new students at SPs IPB University. “There are three administrative flows that LPDP awardees need to pay attention to, namely the 2nd stage registration schedule from May 2 to July 16, 2024, online registration and single tuition fee payment (UKT) from July 29 to August 2, 2024,” he explained.

“Regarding the registration requirements at SPs IPB University, friends can check directly on the admisi.ipb.ac.id page, and if it has been accepted, you can complete the biodata on the registration page.admisi.ipb.ac.id,” he added.

He explained that the file verification process is only intended for certain prospective students, in order to prove that the uploaded documents are appropriate, while those who will apply for a lecture delay can apply through the link ipb.link/delay-gasal24.

“The postponement of lectures is only valid for a maximum of one year (two semesters) and is only allowed to apply for one delay. Therefore, friends need to pay attention to whether their chosen study program is open in each semester or not,” he said. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/IAN)