LKST IPB University Holds Workshop on Drafting Action Plan and Business Plan Startup

LKST IPB University Holds Workshop on Drafting Action Plan and Business Plan Startup

LKST IPB University Gelar Workshop Penyusunan Action Plan dan Business Plan Startup

Institution for Science Technology Park (LKST) IPB held a workshop for 25 startups of Incubation program with the theme of Action Plan and Business Plan Preparation recently at IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor.

The chairperson of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi in her speech said that this workshop aims to provide education and refreshment for the startups of the 2024 incubation program who are developing their business.

“Startups must be able to commit in doing business, must be right on quality, on time, and right on regulation so as to produce superior startups with broad impact,” said Prof Erika.

Vice of Business Incubation and Industry Collaboration of LKST IPB University, Prof Rokhani Hasbullah, conveyed the importance of legal aspects of products such as distribution permits, halal and other product certifications so that their products can penetrate the market and be able to compete with other products already on the market.

“LKST IPB University is ready to assist tenants in developing new product variants that have a value proposition to compete, including production cooperation in the teaching industry,” he said.

The activity invited Planteria CEO, Bambang Sutrisno as a resource person related to Business Motivation and Success Story of Planteria Startup in developing business.

“In building and developing a business, startups must have four important points, namely growth mindset, vision and mission, knowledge and joining other business communities,” Bambang explained.

Meanwhile, the material on Business Plan Preparation was delivered by Larasati Widyaputri, CEO of Lokasoka. “The benefits of preparing a business plan are getting funding and making the business grow,” said Laras.

She explained that the business plan framework consists of an executive summary of the business, customer problems and business solutions, customer portfolios, product excellence and marketing strategies, business growth, funding needs or business partners, and sales projections and future business plans,” continued Laras.

Assistant of Business Incubation Division of LKST IPB University, Deva Primadia Almada as the last speaker delivered the material of Action Plan Preparation. He said that the action plan is a specific stage that will be taken to achieve the output of activities in one year.

“The benefits of an action plan include increasing startup credibility and ensuring that nothing is missed. The components of the action plan consist of activity objectives, main activities, activity details, person in charge, estimated completion date and draft budget,” said Deva. (stpipb/Lp) (IAAS/ZQA)