LKST IPB University Holds Selection of PRIME SteP Innovation Research Improvement Program Year 2024

LKST IPB University Holds Selection of PRIME SteP Innovation Research Improvement Program Year 2024

LKST IPB University Adakan Seleksi Program Peningkatan Riset Inovasi PRIME SteP Tahun 2024

IPB University, as one of the recipients of the program “Promoting Research and Innovation through Modern and Efficient Science and Techno Park (PRIME SteP) Year 2023-2027 through funding from Foreign Loans and / or Grants (PHLN) – Asian Development Bank (ADB), again carried out the selection of the Innovation Research Improvement Program Year 2024.

This innovation research improvement program is expected to realize the acceleration of downstream invention/innovation results from IPB University researchers. In 2024, two innovation research improvement program schemes will be implemented, namely 1) Innovation Development Scheme and 2) Development Research Scheme.

A total of 19 innovations have been submitted by IPB University innovators. These innovations were selected to get funding for the Innovation Research Improvement Program. The fields of innovation include agriculture/food, information and technology (IT), advanced materials, personal care, cosmetics and biomedicine.

Chairman of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi said that IPB University has the duty to protect and develop innovations as the intellectual work of IPB stakeholders, and collaborate with partners to produce innovations through Science Techno Park (STP) which can benefit the community both socially and economically.

“STP IPB University is given the opportunity to complete the science techno park master plan, protect IPB University innovations with their intellectual property, conduct scaling up trials in the Teaching Industry Building, and foster startup tenants in the startup center building,” she said.

In addition, Prof Erika also said that the target of innovation developed from PRIME SteP program funding in 2024 was at least 11 innovations, both through funding for innovation development schemes and development research.

“Hopefully in the future IPB innovations can go international to Europe, Japan and Korea, as well as innovations that have been cooperated before. In 2023, there are innovations that are exported, one of which is the frozen tempeh innovation. I feel proud and thank the innovators and we hope it can run until 2027,” said Prof Erika.

In the implementation of this selection, LKST IPB University collaborates with reviewers from various circles including academics and practitioners / industry partners. The selected innovations consist of 14 innovation development schemes and 5 development research schemes.

The reviewers included Prof Achmad Chozin, Prof Ronny Rachman Noor, Prof Marimin, Prof Suminar Setiati Achmadi, Prof Yulin Lestari, Prof Slamet Susanto, Dr Burhanuddin, Dr drh Huda Shalahudin Darusman, Kristanto Santosa, Sidi Asmono, Bhakti Kumara, and Bremin Sembiring. (*/Rz) (IAAS/STD)