Lecturers and Students of IPB Vocational School Hold Community Service in Muara Jaya Tani Avocado Village

Lecturers and Students of IPB Vocational School Hold Community Service in Muara Jaya Tani Avocado Village

Dosen dan Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi IPB Gelar Pengabdian di Kampung Alpukat Muara Jaya Tani

Lecturers and students of the Plantation Production Technology and Management (TMP) Study Program visited Muara Jaya Tani Avocado Village, Mulyaharja Village, Bogor City on Tuesday, 28/5. The visit was part of the IPB University Vocational School (SV) Centralized and Integrated Community Service Program in Mulyaharja Village.

The arrival of the community service team was warmly welcomed by the Secretary of the Village, Taufik Hidayat and Imam as the local agricultural extension officer. Taufik said, “Mr. Deputy Mayor of Bogor said, Mulyaharja Village is the paradise that remains.”

Meanwhile, Imam as the Agricultural Extension Officer of Mulyaharja Village said that Mulyaharja Village was launched as an Avocado Village in 2019. “Initially, the avocado garden was managed by a farmer cadet named Muara Jaya Tani, but currently the group has started to lack members and avocado garden maintenance needs to be improved again,” he said.

“Mulyaharja Village not only has great potential in the avocado plantation sector, but also in agriculture in general, including the cultivation of food and horticultural crops, plantations, fisheries, and livestock,” he said.

He revealed that several agro-tourisms in Margajaya Village began to be built, in order to improve the welfare of the community, the creativity of the younger generation, and optimism for progress in various sectors, especially those that support the improvement of community welfare.

In addition, Merry, as the person in charge of community service activities, said that their community service program focused on avocado plantation management, making compost and vegetable pesticides by utilizing the resources available in Mulyaharja Village.

“The plan is an effort to develop the avocado plantation sector and utilize existing resources in Mulyaharja Village. Materials for making compost and vegetable pesticides use waste as well as available plants,” said Merry.

Merry also hopes that the TMP Study Program service program in Mulyaharja Village can contribute to the development of agricultural businesses from upstream to downstream in Mulyaharja Village.

“The development of various agricultural businesses in Mulyaharja Village will accelerate the economic growth of the local community, reduce unemployment and motivate the younger generation to take more roles in managing agricultural businesses,” said Merry. (Iis/Lp) (IAAS/Ard)