IPB University Receives the Most BIMA Research Proposal Funding in 2024

IPB University Receives the Most BIMA Research Proposal Funding in 2024

IPB University Mendapat Pendanaan Proposal Penelitian BIMA Terbanyak Tahun 2024

IPB University received the most funding for Research and Community Service (BIMA) proposals in 2024 funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbud Ristek). The number of proposals from IPB University funded was 372, followed by Gadjah Mada University with 286 and Andalas University with 245.

Prof Sugeng Heri Suseno, Director of Research and Innovation of IPB University conveyed the superiority of IPB University in the achievement of research proposal funding because of the research ecosystem that has been formed. He explained, some policies at IPB University include research policies for young lecturers, fundamental research, international and national collaborative research.

In addition, Prof Sugeng said that the socialisation of BIMA research is also very massive to Faculties and Schools. “We also provide assistance and BIMA consultation services for lecturers and researchers. Not only that, we also check the details of the proposals submitted,” he said.

Furthermore, Prof Sugeng added that IPB University excels in all research schemes such as in fundamental research schemes, doctoral dissertation research, master’s thesis research, and applied research except Master’s Education towards Doctoral Excellence (PMDSU). He hopes that the achievement of many funded proposals can have an impact and contribute innovation to the nation.

Previously, IPB University submitted a total of 634 proposals and passed the administrative selection of 400 and finally those that passed the substance were 372.

The 2024 BIMA research funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture Research, and Technology is one-year funding in accordance with the policy of the Directorate of Research and Community Service – Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE).

“All schemes are not multi-year. But if the researcher can produce the output as promised in the proposal, it will be able to continue in the following year,” he said. (IAAS/STD)