IPB University Postgraduate School Accepts Visitation of ISO 21001: 2018 Surveillance Audit Team

IPB University Postgraduate School Accepts Visitation of ISO 21001: 2018 Surveillance Audit Team

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Menerima Visitasi Tim Audit Surveillance ISO 21001:2018

Postgraduate School (SPs) IPB University received a visitation of the auditor team from Sucofindo International Certification Services in the framework of the Surveillance Audit of Certification of the Implementation of the Education Organization Management System (SMOP) ISO 21001: 2018 at the SPs Building IPB University Dramaga Bogor, on 30-31/5.

SMOP ISO 21001: 2018 is a standard that details the requirements and provides guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving management systems for educational organisations. While the ISO 21001: 2018 certification category for SPs IPB University is related to the management of multi / interdisciplinary master and doctoral study programs, Professional Engineer Program (PPI) and educational administration services.

Surveillance Audit itself is a monitoring audit that must be carried out by an independent certification institution for agencies that have been ISO certified. Previously SPs IPB University had obtained an ISO 21001: 2018 certificate in 2023, the purpose of this surveillance audit was to ensure that each unit had carried out all activity processes in accordance with the established quality objectives.

Prof Agus Buono, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of SPs IPB University expressed his gratitude for the attendance of Sucofindo auditors who have been present to conduct surveillance audits of ISO 21001: 2018 certification this year. “Hopefully the attendance of the auditors can guide SPs IPB University to provide even better educational services,” he said.

Prof Agus Buono added that currently the management and educational services for monodisciplinary and oligodisciplinary programs are carried out by the faculty, while for multidisciplinary programs are managed by SPs IPB University.

“The multidisciplinary program includes the study programs of Natural Resources and Environmental Management Science, Primatology, Small and Medium Industries Developments, Biotechnology, Agro-Maritime Logistics and Professional Engineer Program,” he added.

Prof Agus Buono explained that the ISO 21001: 2018 certification process is not only to get a certificate, but the most important thing is the process of preparing all the instruments.

“We express our gratitude that the audit process can run smoothly, there are no minor or major findings and only observations that are suggestions and of course SPs IPB University is committed to responding as soon as possible,” he added.

Furthermore, Andi Dewi Sartika Syamsul, S.St, MM auditor from Sucofindo gave appreciation to SPs IPB University for their good cooperation in the visitation process.

“Based on the audit results, we only found observational findings. Therefore, SPs IPB University is still recommended to continue using the ISO 21001: 2018 certificate until the next audit schedule,” he said. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/STD)