IPB University ‘Legian Casia’ Students Spread Love and Spirit of Learning at Bogor Independent Orphan Dormitory

A total of 17 Legian Casia members from IPB University students conducted a social project at the Yatim Mandiri Dormitory in Bogor. The project focused on education, entertainment, and creativity activities for orphans, orphans, and the poor, especially those in elementary school.
The project is part of IPB University’s Multi Cultural Academic Development Programme (PPAMB) for new students who are not in the dormitory for the first year of study.
Umi Indah, one of the foster parents, said that although the children at the Yatim Mandiri Dormitory have received proper education and teaching, the support of outside teaching resources is still very much needed. Because, with this, she hopes to instil a sense of enthusiasm in children to continue learning and not give up on all their dreams, regardless of their circumstances.
“Departing from what was conveyed by Umi Indah and seeing the economic conditions that were slightly disturbed due to inflation, then, we were moved to carry out our social project at the Yatim Mandiri Dormitory. The essence of this project is to play, share laughter and stories, and share a little of the provision to the younger siblings there,” said Ghefira Afriliana Zahraini, chairperson of Legian Casia.
Cheers of enthusiasm and laughter accompanied the activities. Starting from the drawing session, games session, story sharing session, to the creative session, not a single second was separated from the joy and warmth shown by the younger siblings of the orphanage. The presence of IPB University students was very warmly received by them.
At the end of the activity, the donation money that had been collected was distributed directly to Umi Indah in the form of basic necessities and some cash.
“Through this assistance, which may not be large in amount, we hope to at least be able to alleviate the difficulties that are being experienced by the Mandiri Orphan Dormitory in fulfilling their daily needs. We also certainly hope that our presence can motivate the younger siblings of the orphanage to be more active in their studies, not to give up, and always remember that they are never alone,” explained Shalsabila Siti Zahra, the supervisor of the Legian Casia group.
For her, this social project is not just about giving, but also about learning and growing together. Legian Casia hopes that this social project can be the inspiration for other individuals and communities to spread love and kindness in their neighbourhoods.
“Our deepest gratitude goes to all the participants who have been involved and contributed to this social project. Together, we can build a more loving and caring world, because every child has the same opportunity to achieve their dreams and hopes,” said Shalsabila Siti Zahra. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)