IPB University Homecoming Lecturers Program Bring New Atmosphere to Support Forest Plant Seed Certification

IPB University Homecoming Lecturers Program Bring New Atmosphere to Support Forest Plant Seed Certification

Dosen Pulang Kampung IPB University Bawa Suasana Baru untuk Menunjang Sertifikasi Benih Tanaman Hutan

IPB University’s Homecoming Lecturer Program (Dospulkam) was again held in Kalongan Village, East Ungaran District, Semarang Regency. With diverse participants ranging from staff of the Forest Plant Certification and Seedling Center (BSPTH), forestry extension workers, to forestry farmers participated in the activity entitled “Training on Plus Tree Selection, Cultivation, Pests-Diseases and Seedlings to Support Forest Plant Seed Certification”.

The program also invited the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of Seeds, the Central Java Forestry Service and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to collaborate in the success of this event.

Prof Ulfah Juniarti Siregar, M.Agr as the coordinator of IPB University’s Homecoming Lecturer Program in Kalongan Village said, this activity was not only in the form of delivering material and practice about the selection of plus trees, but also providing direct experience in the field to participants who came from different backgrounds.

In her material she explained, “Superior seeds are very important to certify seeds, because trees such as sengon are still in great demand by the community while many farmers have not been able to maximize wood production, with seed certification, wood production will be more guaranteed,” explained Prof. Ulfah.

“This activity is expected to be a trigger for more enthusiasm for participants and the community to carry out activities in forestry, of course it is also hoped that the support of the Central Java Forestry Service will continue to help and assist the community so that they always benefit from forest products,” he said.

Other lecturers who presented the material were Prof Liliana Baskorowati who presented material related to tree breeding; Prof Noor Farikhah Haneda, presented material on tree pests and diseases; Dr Dede Sudrajat explained material related to seedlings and certification; Bayu Winata explained material related to tree cultivation. (*/Lp) (IAAS/SNI)