IPB University Homecoming Lecturer Trains Smart Verticulture for Students in Boyolali

IPB University Homecoming Lecturer Trains Smart Verticulture for Students in Boyolali

Dosen Pulang Kampung IPB University Latih Smart Vertikultur untuk Siswa di Boyolali

Vertical farming has emerged as a revolutionary solution to the challenges of food security and land limitation. IPB University’s Vocational School (SV) lecturers through the Lecturer Pulang Kampung (Dospulkam) program held a workshop as an effort to inspire the younger generation and introduce sustainable agricultural technology in cultivating plants.

The workshop focusing on Smart Verticulture took place on 30-31/5 at SMKS Bhinneka Karya 5 Teras, Boyolali. Led by Bayu Widodo, the Dospulkam program involved a team consisting of Uding Sastrawan, Dr Wien Kuntari, and Ayutias Sayekti, who are lecturers from SV IPB University that are highly committed to the development of sustainable agriculture and education.

“This training aims to provide students, teachers and education personnel with the necessary tools, techniques and understanding to become agents of change in developing smart verticulture. This training will focus on strategies to deal with limited green space in urban areas using zero waste methods, as well as the use of digital marketing to foster and stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of students and teachers,” said Bayu Widodo.

Furthermore, Bayu stated that in the future the IPB University Dospulkam Team will continue to establish strategic partnerships to implement various sustainable community service programs.

Meanwhile, Dr Wien Kuntari said that the concept of zero waste needs to be done to encourage and invite students to see all opportunities. “One of them is done by encouraging students to do the 3R principle (reduce, reuse, recycle). Through processing waste as compost, it can reduce costs for fertilizer use, and the results of agriculture are free from chemical fertilizers,” Wien said.

“Smart vertical gardens have become a revolutionary solution to the challenges of food security and limited land. By combining technological intelligence and sustainable agriculture principles in cultivating plants with the help of simple technology,” said Bambang Dwi Atmaka, one of the speakers at the workshop.

This activity was also attended by Deni Prihasanti, as Principal of SMKS Bhinneka Karya 5 Teras and also attended by Dwi Yuningrih, as School Supervisor. There was also the Chairman of the School Committee, Representatives of the Bhinneka Karya Foundation and other invited guests and students of SMKS Bhinneka Karya 5 Teras. (IAAS/STD)