IPB University and PT IMIP Establish Cooperation: HR Recruitment, Internship Programme and Scholarship

IPB University and PT IMIP Establish Cooperation: HR Recruitment, Internship Programme and Scholarship

IPB University dan PT IMIP Jalin Kerja Sama: Rekrutmen SDM, Program Magang dan Beasiswa

IPB University signed a cooperation with PT Industri Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) regarding education, research and community service, especially in the recruitment of Human Resources (HR), internship programmes and scholarships. The signing of the cooperation was held in the Innopreneurship building, Darmaga Campus of IPB, on 10/6.

The cooperation marked by the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was carried out at the same time with the selection process of a number of students and alumni who would take advantage of this cooperation in the form of internships, scholarships and employee recruitment facilitated by the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) of IPB University.

Achmanto Mendatu, Human Resource Director of PT IMIP in his speech said that PT IMIP is the largest industrial estate in Indonesia. “We prepare human resources to become multi-specialists or generalists who are able to work in various fields,” he said.

Assistant Director of Career Development and Entrepreneurship – Directorate of Student Affairs of IPB University, Rici Tri Harpin Pranata, in her speech mentioned that the internship, scholarship and employee recruitment opportunities offered by PT IMIP are in line with the results of talent mapping.

‘Talent mapping shows that 47 per cent of IPB University students have an interest in becoming professionals,’ he mentioned.

Meanwhile, IPB University Vice Rector for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni Relation, Prof Iskandar Z Siregar said that the potential and opportunities that exist at PT IMIP must be utilised as much as possible for the entire Indonesian nation, including by IPB University students and alumni.

“This is an opportunity, so that IPB University students and alumni are ready to work and gain very important experience through PT IMIP,” said Prof Iskandar.

He added that IPB University excels in environmental fields such as mineral and coal mining which are closely related to environmental and forestry aspects, especially in terms of environmental engineering.

‘”In the environmental field, IPB University also pays attention to social aspects so that the community around the mine benefits from the industrial investment,” he explained. (dh/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)