Inaugural Meeting, IPB University School of Family Quality Activities Present in Cibanteng Village

Inaugural Meeting, IPB University School of Family Quality Activities Present in Cibanteng Village

Pertemuan Perdana, Kegiatan Sekolah Keluarga Berkualitas IPB University Hadir di Desa Cibanteng

The School of Quality Family (SKB) is a collaboration between the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) and the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK) IPB University which was held in Cibanteng Village and was the inaugural meeting on 13/6.

Participants and Cibanteng Village officials enthusiastically welcomed the series of SKB activities that would be carried out. Sakim Tarmizi, S.H as the Secretary of Cibanteng Village thanked the SKB team for coming to Cibanteng Village to hold a school for mothers.

“The mothers are expected to maintain their learning spirit, take the knowledge conveyed by the presenters which will be held for seven meetings until the mothers graduate,” said Tarmizi.

The inaugural SKB meeting in Cibanteng Village was hosted by Dr Melly Latifah who is a lecturer at IKK IPB University. She brought the material “Characteristics of Under-fives and the Environment that Under-fives Need for Optimal Growth and Development.”

Dr Melly explained that the age of infants is a period of rapid brain growth. This is the period that has the greatest risk of vulnerability to disorders. On the other hand, it also has the greatest potential for positive impacts on the development of children.

“Our words will program the child, if the words we say to the child are good words, it will give birth to good children too. But that does not mean children should not be forbidden, children still have to know what is good and what is bad,” said Dr Melly.

She continued, the way early childhood learns through various ways, namely children learn through play, learn by building their knowledge, and children learn naturally.

“Children have a high curiosity. We as parents must provide opportunities for children to explore and parents must give trust to children,” said Dr Melly.

Through this meeting, parents are expected to understand how the characteristics of children and can provide space to explore so that children grow and develop optimally. (IAAS/NYS).