Improving the Quality and Interest of Lecturers in Writing Journal Articles, DPMA IPB University Holds Evaluation

Improving the Quality and Interest of Lecturers in Writing Journal Articles, DPMA IPB University Holds Evaluation

Tingkatkan Kualitas dan Minat Dosen dalam Menulis Artikel Jurnal, DPMA IPB University Gelar Evaluasi

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) of IPB University held an evaluation of the publication of Agrokreatif Scientific Journal of Community Service and Journal of the Center for Community Innovation. The purpose of this activity is to discuss improving the quality of journal management and supporting accreditation and initiation of international service journals.

This evaluation activity is an important moment to identify various aspects that need to be improved in the management of scientific journals at IPB University. Assistant Director of Social Entrepreneurship, DPMA IPB University, Dr M Iqbal Irfany, stated that improving the quality of journals is very important to ensure that the results of community service carried out by lecturers can be recognized nationally and internationally.

“Through this evaluation, we want to ensure that the journals we manage not only meet national standards, but can also compete at the international level. This is also our effort to encourage more IPB University lecturers to write and publish community service articles,” he said.

The journal’s board of editors also provided input regarding strategies to improve editorial and technical quality, such as writing, reviewing, and publishing articles. They emphasized the importance of training for authors and reviewers to improve the quality of incoming writings.

“The success of the journal is highly dependent on the quality of the articles published. Therefore, we will provide more training and guidance for lecturers who are interested in writing community service articles,” added Prof Pudji Muljono, one of the members of the Board of Editors.

With this initiative, it is expected that more IPB University lecturers will be interested in writing community service articles and publishing them in quality journals. In addition, improving journal quality is also expected to help IPB University achieve higher accreditation and expand its influence in the international arena.

This evaluation is part of DPMA’s ongoing efforts to increase the contribution of IPB University academics in community service. With full support from the management and collaboration between lecturers and editorial teams, IPB University hopes to create scientific journals that can become important references in the field of community service. (*/Rz) (IAAS/STD)