Impressions of University of British Columbia Students Participating in Summer Course 2024 at IPB University

Impressions of University of British Columbia Students Participating in Summer Course 2024 at IPB University

Kesan Mahasiswa University of British Columbia Ikut Summer Course 2024 di IPB University

A total of 25 students from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada joined the Summer Course program at IPB University. This summer education program took place from 1-31 May 2024 with the title Impact Evaluation Analysis. In addition to UBC students, this program was also attended by two Economics students of IPB University.

Maya Schiller, a UBC student shared her experience during the Summer Course. In addition to exchanging ideas to provide solutions to social problems in the community, Maya was also able to learn Indonesian culture while in Bogor, West Java.

“This moment is very memorable for me because this is my first time in Indonesia and meeting IPB University students. So, of course this is a meaningful experience for me,” she said.

Another UBC student, Ayasha Santoso gained a lot of new things when she met the people of the villages in Indonesia. Her visit to the countryside and seeing firsthand what happens there became a valuable experience for Ayasha.

“The most memorable thing for me was when I met the women in the village and I could interact and discuss with them about the village. It gave me new knowledge,” she said.

During the Summer Course program, students learned in theory about Impact Evaluation Analysis. The practice is to evaluate the impact of several programs assisted by IPB University, one of which is waste management.

“I see this Summer Course as very important to provide a basic understanding of aspects of community empowerment and the ability to identify and provide solutions to fundamental problems faced by the community. I think these exercises are very important,” said Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University, Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik.

Dr Irfan hopes that the Summer Course program will continue to be held in the following years, given its positive impact both for students, lecturers, and society in general. In the future, he wants more IPB University students to participate in this Summer Course. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/STD)