Hosts a Public Lecture, DMH IPB University Reviews the Urgency of GIS and Remote Sensing for the Forestry Sector

Hosts a Public Lecture, DMH IPB University Reviews the Urgency of GIS and Remote Sensing for the Forestry Sector

Gelar Kuliah Umum, DMH IPB University Ulas Urgensi SIG dan Remote Sensing bagi Sektor Kehutanan

The Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry and Environment of IPB University held another public lecture for undergraduate and postgraduate students. This public lecture was intended for those taking the Applied Geographic Information Systems for Forestry course (Undergraduate) and the Geographic Information Systems for Forest Resource Management course (Postgraduate).

The lecture began with a presentation by Dr Riva Rovani, Functional Staff of Forest Ecosystem Control at the Directorate of Forest Resources Inventory and Monitoring, Directorate General of Forestry Planning and Environmental Management (Ditjen PKTL), Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). He explained the importance of utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in forest monitoring activities.

“The utilization of GIS in Indonesia’s forest monitoring system is an important step in overcoming the challenges of monitoring forest resources for forestry planning. Through various initiatives such as the National Forest Monitoring System (Simontana), MoEF’s Geospatial Information System (SIGAP), and the National One Map Policy (KSP), the government is answering the call to master geospatial data, information, and technology,” he said.

These initiatives, he added, allow for comprehensive analysis of strategic environmental and forestry issues such as climate change, deforestation, and forest and land fires.

“Through Simontana and the National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS), the government is taking concrete steps in monitoring forest resources nationwide by utilizing remote sensing technology,” Dr Riva said.

In its implementation, Simontana continues to be developed to provide accurate, transparent, integrated, and up-to-date geospatial data on forest and land cover. Through the combination of remote sensing technology and geographic information systems, Indonesia seeks to preserve its rich natural resources by optimizing national forest monitoring.

Another resource person, Dr Sigit Nugroho, an Associate Expert Planner in Forest Area Stipulation and Stewardship, Directorate General of PTKL, MoEF discussed the utilization of GIS and remote sensing in forest resource management and the achievement of the 2030 FOLU Net Sink target.

Dr Sigit Nugroho, who has an extensive educational background and experience in this field, explained the evolution of forest management from various perspectives. Starting from the concept of extrinsic value setting to multi-objective and multi-criteria based approaches.

“The use of GIS and remote sensing technology is key in monitoring forest resources and achieving the 2030 FOLU Net Sink target. Through careful monitoring using spatial data, including land management and land use, as well as controlling deforestation and land degradation, Indonesia aims to achieve ambitious targets in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the forestry sector,” he explained.

In addition, he said, GIS technology plays an important role in planning, monitoring, and evaluating forest management policies. With accurate spatial data, the government can identify priority locations for mitigation, monitor land change, and measure the achievement of the 2030 FOLU Net Sink target.

“The use of GIS also supports capacity building of institutions and human resources in forest resource management,” Dr Sigit explained.

In his closing remarks, Dr Sigit Nugroho emphasized the importance of continuing to encourage innovation in the development of GIS technology in accordance with the demands of the times and complex challenges in managing forest resources. Thus, he said, Indonesia can continue to move towards achieving the 2030 FOLU Net Sink target to maintain environmental sustainability and community welfare. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)