Faculty of Animal Science IPB University Organizes Modern Poultry World Webinar

Faculty of Animal Science IPB University Organizes Modern Poultry World Webinar

Fakultas Peternakan IPB University Selenggarakan Webinar Dunia Perunggasan Modern

The rapid development of technology requires us to adapt to various things, and the poultry world is no exception. This modern era has also become a new challenge for farmers to become more modern farmers.

The Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) IPB University together with the Agribusiness Professional Certification Institute (LSP) and PT Multi Sarana Pakanindo organized a Webinar on the topic of Modern Poultry World on 24/6.

This activity was the opening of a series of technical guidance and training events in preparation for the competency test and certification of hatching egg operators and feed mixers for certification participants in particular.

In her speech, the Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development of the Faculty of Animal Science of IPB University, Dr Sri Suharti said, “To improve competence in the field of poultry, I am sure students have received courses related to poultry nutrition or poultry production, but our ability must be recognized. Recognition in this case is certification which can later become a recognition of our abilities and also become an asset for a career in the workforce,” she said.

She continued, the event presented expert speakers in modern poultry, so that participants could directly discuss the development of the poultry industry.

The first speaker was a lecturer at the Department of Animal Production and Technology, Fapet IPB University, Dr Rudi Afnan. He presented material with the theme of successful hatching which explained how to make poultry hatching successful.

The second speaker was Chairman of Business Unit Human Capital for Poultry Business, PT Charoen Pokphand (CP) Indonesia, Ir Syafri Afriansyah. He explained the business series of poultry cultivation from upstream to downstream.

“The poultry industry is growing rapidly with various challenges. New business models will emerge, so students are expected to be ready to face changes,” said the Martin J Whitman School of Management graduate who has had a career of nearly 20 years at PT Charoen Pokphand.

Murtiyadi, SPt, Area Head Production West Java 1 PT Charoen Pokphand, was also present and explained the advanced technology of the closed house system. “In this closed house system, the cage is closed with air that is regulated through inlets and outlets, so that the micro-environmental conditions in the cage can be adjusted to the needs of the chickens,” he explained. (Femmy/Lp) (IAAS/Hap)