DPMA IPB University Explores the Location of KKN-Thematic Innovation 2024 in Ciamis Regency and Banjar City

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) of IPB University explored locations for the implementation of the 2024 Innovation Thematic Community Service Programme (KKNT) in Cidolog District, Ciamis Regency and Mekarharja Village, Banjar City, on 30-31/5.
This activity is one of the preparatory steps to succeed the upcoming community service programme by IPB University students. This exploration focused on the theme of commodity development and business ecosystem of Calina papaya and the handling of stunting problems in Ciamis Regency.
During the visit, the DPMA team assessed the various potentials and needs that exist in both locations. In addition, the DPMA team also had a dialogue with the local government and community leaders to understand the local conditions and the support needed.
“We see great potential in the development of Calina papaya in Cidolog District and Mekarharja Village. In addition, the issue of stunting in Ciamis Regency is also our main concern. Through this KKNT programme, we hope to make a real contribution in overcoming these two problems,” said Dr M. Iqbal Irfany, Assistant Director of Social Entrepreneurship at DPMA IPB University.
Erni Patonah, Secretary of Cidolog Sub-district welcomed this initiative and expressed her readiness to receive KKNT IPB University students. “We strongly support this programme and are ready to provide the assistance needed. We hope this programme can have a positive impact on the community, especially in developing local commodities and handling stunting,” said Erni.
Ade Uu, Chief of Mekarharja Village also stated the same thing. “We are ready to receive IPB University students and fully support this KKNT Innovation programme. We hope this programme can help improve the quality of life of the people of Mekarharja and its surroundings,” said Ade Uu.
KKNT Inovasi 2024 is expected to be a forum for students to apply the knowledge they have learnt in a real context, while providing solutions to problems faced by the local community. With the synergy between academics, students, and the community, this programme is expected to achieve the desired success. (IAAS/RUM)