Department of Public Nutrition IPB University Holds Visiting Professor Program, Presents Lecturers from Canada

Department of Public Nutrition IPB University Holds Visiting Professor Program, Presents Lecturers from Canada

Departemen Gizi Masyarakat IPB University Gelar Visiting Professor Program, Hadirkan Dosen dari Kanada

Department of Public Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University, successfully organised the 1st series of Visiting Professor Program activities. This activity is supported by the International Research Institute (LRI) of Food Nutrition and Health IPB University and the Inter-University Excellence Centre Grant Program (PUAPT) in 2024.

This activity presents a guest lecturer from Canada, namely, Tammara Soma PhD MCIP RPP from Simon Fraser University, Canada. She has successfully received various research grants and has also become an expert in the field of Food Waste. The series of activities in this program includes a Workshop on “Writing a Research Proposal”.

This activity was carried out interactively and was attended by graduate students (S2 and S3) of Nutrition Science IPB University. Dr Zuraidah Nasution, S.TP, M.Sc as the Secretary of the Department of Public Nutrition said, “This workshop is devoted to graduate students, hopefully the material we get today will be useful for students to get a research grant by making an interesting research proposal,” she said.

Tammara Soma PhD presented the topic with the title “Crafting a Winning Research Proposal”. According to her, the preparation of research proposals consists of several stages, namely determining the topic, seeing whether there is a gap with the literature, determining research questions, determining methods, theoretical contributions, and determining the significance and contribution to science.

“To make a successful research proposal, you need to consider a delhi topic. Are there any gaps in literature, research questions, methodologies, theoretical frameworks, significance, and contributions to knowledge,” said Dr Tammara Soma MCIP RPP, Assistant Professor Simon Fraser University, Canada.

She also said some tips related to the preparation of research proposals, where the research proposals we make must be made as simple as possible and must be understandable to all people.

“There are four recommendations to compile a superior research proposal; first, get a trusted person to review the research proposal, second, you have to read a lot and be careful in a short review, third read your proposal aloud, and fourth, can others understand the importance of your research,” she said.

She also brought the topic with the title “Evaluating Food Waste Awareness Campaigns Motivation, Opportunity, Ability Framework”. This activity presents various government agencies, universities, and horeka (hotels, restaurants and catering) such as Bappeda Bogor City and the Indonesian Boga Service Rulers Association.

Dr Sofyan Sjaf, the Dean of Fema IPB University, said, “Through this activity, it is hoped that the speakers can share experiences related to the global perspective on handling food waste. In addition, I hope this activity is useful so that food problems, namely food waste, can be solved properly,” he said.

In this Visiting Professor program, Tammara Soma PhD also filled in a guest lecture for IPB Nutritional Science students in the course of Food Security and Nutrition System, Advanced Nutrition Research Methods, and Food and Nutrition Planning by bringing several interesting topics, one of which is about Photovoice Methodology as a method that can be applied in research, especially in the field of Agri-Food System Research. (*/Lp) (IAAS/IAN)