Department of AGH IPB University Holds Genetic Purity in Maize Training

Department of AGH IPB University Holds Genetic Purity in Maize Training

Departemen AGH IPB University Gelar Pelatihan Genetics Purity in Maize

The Department of Agronomy and Horticulture (AGH), Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) IPB University held Genetics Purity in Maize Training in collaboration with PT Restu Agropro Jayamas. This activity aims to identify the genetic purity of crossbred maize using microsatellite molecular markers.

The training was conducted by Dr Deden Derajat Matra and two students, Muh Agust Nur Fathoni and Sri Rahmadani Putri at the Horticultural Innovation Laboratory, AGH Department, IPB Dramaga Campus.

The training involved lecturers from the AGH Department of IPB University who are involved in maize research, namely Dr Willy Bayuardi Suwarno who provided the latest information regarding the use of molecular markers, and Dr. Arya Widura Ritonga who delivered maize breeding techniques, especially in sweet corn.

In addition, information on seed-borne disease detection was delivered by Dr Sari Nurulita from the Department of Plant Protection. In the management of certified laboratories, especially molecular laboratories, Chandra Budiman, SP, MSi conveyed the certification of test laboratories that have been carried out by the AGH Department of IPB University.

The training was attended by five research staff from PT Restu Agropro Jayamas. The participants were given information ranging from the safety and use of equipment in supporting molecular research.

Dr Deden said the training included the preparation of maize samples from embryos and germinated seeds. DNA is then extracted to obtain the required quality and quantity.

“Once confirmed, the DNA is then amplified on a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine with special microsatellite primers that have been published in the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) document. Then, it is visualized in gel electrophoresis,” he explains.

The trainees also had the opportunity to visit the facilities in the AGH Department of IPB University, one of which is the testing laboratory. They also visited the Research Laboratory of Excellence (ARLab) which is the central laboratory of IPB University that provides analysis and research sites that support international research. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ZQA)