Creating a Sustainable Environment, IPB University Holds Free Vehicle Emission Tests

Creating a Sustainable Environment, IPB University Holds Free Vehicle Emission Tests

Ciptakan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan, IPB University Adakan Uji Emisi Kendaraan Gratis

IPB University through the Sustainable Campus Development Agency (BPKP) held a free vehicle emission test for two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles. The emission test activity was carried out in collaboration with Auto 2000 Dramaga which was held on 12/6 at IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.

Chairman of BPKP IPB University, Dr Ibnul Qayim revealed that this emission test activity had been initiated from 2023 and was only carried out in June 2024 to coincide with Environment Day.

“This emission test is a very good initiative with the contribution of Auto 2000 Dramaga. With this emission test, the data that we will get will be reported so that it can form the right policy in addressing environmental issues and provide comfort for all of us,” said Dr Ibnul.

He hopes that the activity will be supported by many parties. “This is part of our small steps that must continue with the motto Let’s Test Emissions, how clean your vehicle is, how friendly you are to the environment,” he said.

Auto 2000 Dramaga Branch Manager Aloysius Socrates, who was present, said,
“This emission test is an initial maintenance for the vehicle and is one of the important things that need to be considered. If emission tests are not carried out, the vehicle can be damaged so that the condition of the vehicle can affect not only the vehicle owner but also for other drivers,” he said.

Aloysius also thanked IPB University for contributing greatly to the emission test. “This is also the first time we have collaborated with the campus to conduct emission tests, hopefully this activity can continue,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chair of the Pollution Control and Partnership Division of the Bogor Regency Environmental Agency (DLH), Holid Maward revealed data from the West Java Regional Government (Pemda Jabar), the number of motorized vehicles in Bogor Regency almost rivaled the population of the people in Bogor Regency itself, namely 1.6 million two- and four-wheeled vehicles.

“So that one way to control vehicle carbon is through vehicle emission testing. Our current environment is not an environment that we will pass on to future generations but a borrowed environment from future generations so we must restore today’s environment for future generations much better,” said Holid.

The emission test activity was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Resource Resilience and Infrastructure, Dr Alim Setiawan Slamet. He said that IPB University is committed to building something new by protecting the environment.

“We have a commitment to continuously improve environmental quality by testing carbon emissions. Every month IPB University plans to hold Emission Day which will be supported by Auto 2000 Dramaga, so that what we have done can be continued,” said Dr Alim. (Lp) (IAAS/Hap)