CIBEST IPB University Holds International Conference on Islamic Economics for Agromaritime Development

CIBEST IPB University Holds International Conference on Islamic Economics for Agromaritime Development

CIBEST IPB University Gelar Konferensi Internasional Islamic Economics for Agromaritime Development

The Centre for Islamic Business and Economics Studies (CIBEST) of IPB University in collaboration with the Department of Islamic Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management held an International Conference: ‘Islamic Economics for Agromaritime Development’. The activity was attended by more than 130 participants from various affiliates both from within and outside the country.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Research, Innovation and Agromaritime Development, Prof Ernan Rustiadi conveyed the importance of developing the agromaritime sector in Indonesia. This is based on the fact that Indonesia, which is an archipelago, is famous for its agricultural potential and rich marine resources.

“To achieve agromaritime goals, a constructive approach is needed. One approach that can be done is through the application of sharia economic principles. Sharia economic principles have high suitability in supporting agromaritime development, such as the value of justice, equity and balance in asset ownership, as well as the principles of trust and accountability,” he explained.

IPB University, he continued, in this case has pioneered the development of Islamic economics in supporting agromaritime development within the framework of the tridharma of higher education, such as the establishment of the Department of Islamic Economics, CIBEST and the Business, Investment and Waqf Management Agency (BP Biswaf) and the Halal Centre.

The event continued with a Keynote Speech delivered by Prof Ts Dr Mira Kartiwi, from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).

Furthermore, the series of events continued with parallel sessions. The ten best articles that passed the selection were presented and discussed by the reviewers. The plan is that these ten articles will be published in the Sinta 2 accredited National Journal ‘Al Muzara’ah’ which in this moment is in the process of becoming a reputable International Journal indexed by Scopus.

This step is part of IPB University’s efforts to improve scientific reputation through multidisciplinary publications and collaborations with various national and international universities. This was proven by the diverse backgrounds of the authors who participated in this conference. Among others, from the University of Washington, International Islamic University Malaysia, Sakarya University, University of Glasgow, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Universitat Jaume, and a number of national universities.

Not only that, there are participants from various institutions such as Smart Consulting Indonesia, RNM Consulting, BAZNAS RI, Kuwait Finance House, and African Development Bank.

The series of international conference events will also be continued with a Call for Proceedings Paper presented on 25 June 2024 involving more than 100 authors from various universities. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)