Building Family Resilience: SKB IPB University Holds Second Meeting in Situ Gede

Building Family Resilience: SKB IPB University Holds Second Meeting in Situ Gede

Membangun Ketahanan Keluarga: SKB IPB University Gelar Pertemuan Kedua di Situ Gede

The School of Family Quality (SKB) organized by the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) IPB University in collaboration with the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK) held its second meeting in Situ Gede Village, precisely at Posyandu Cempaka on 8/6.

This meeting raised the theme “Family Resilience” guided by Prof Euis Sunarti, a lecturer from the Department of IKK, Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University who is also an expert in the field of resilience, welfare, and family empowerment.

Prof Euis stated that resilience in the family is important because of the transitions and dynamics in the family. “There is no guarantee that a family with a high socio-economic status has a resilient family, there is no guarantee of a happy and prosperous family. Therefore, it is important to have resilience in the family in facing every phase of married life,” she explained.

She said that family resilience is the family’s ability to manage resources, both physical and non-physical, and manage the problems faced to achieve family welfare.

“Family resilience is realized in the fulfillment of family roles, family functions, and family duties. The result that will be achieved by family resilience is a prosperous family,” she said.

She continued, that family welfare is a picture of family satisfaction and happiness as a result of the family’s ability to manage resources and handle family problems.

“After attending today’s meeting, participants are expected to know the importance and scope of family resilience, have a positive attitude to improve family life skills, have the ability to improve family interactions, and be able to manage family resources and overcome family problems to achieve family goals,” she said. (IAAS/TIR)