BKKBN RI and Department of IKK IPB University Collaborate to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Sukabumi District

BKKBN RI and Department of IKK IPB University Collaborate to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Sukabumi District

BKKBN RI dan Departemen IKK IPB University Jalin Kerja Sama untuk Percepatan Penurunan Stunting di Kabupaten Sukabumi

The results of the Indonesian Toddler Nutrition Status Study (SGGBI) in 2022 the prevalence of stunting has decreased to 21.6 percent and based on the results of the Indonesian Health Survey (SKI) in 2023 to 21.5 percent. Although the stunting rate has been reduced, the number is still above the WHO standard so that stunting is still a major public health problem in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, based on the results of the Indonesian Health Survey in 2023, the prevalence of stunting in Sukabumi District was 27 percent so it is still a major public health problem.

Based on this, BKKBN RI in collaboration with the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University implemented a university assistance program to accelerate stunting reduction in Sukabumi District.

The mentoring activities were carried out in two villages, namely Gede Pangrango Village and Sukamanis Village, Kadudampit District, Sukabumi Regency. The mentoring team consisted of Dr Tin Herawati as the chairperson and members consisting of Dr Yulina Eva Riany from the Department of IKK and Dr Yusuf Ryadi from the Faculty of Medicine, IPB University.

“In an effort to formulate the mentoring model that will be implemented, as the initial stage of the activity is to conduct field observations and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) to see the potential of natural and human resources that will support and be involved in mentoring activities,” said Dr Tin Herawati,

According to Dr Tin, the purpose of the FGD is to get an overview of the stunting program that is being implemented in the target location, get information on various obstacles in implementing the program and get input from various parties for the implementation of mentoring activities by the IPB University team.

“Interviews were also conducted with several families to see the profile of families with stunted children so that they can be input in the mentoring program,” he said.

The FGD was held in the hall of the Sukabumi District Population Control and Family Planning Office and was attended by participants from representatives of regional apparatus organizations of the Sukabumi District Government, Sub-District and Village Heads of assistance locations, Family Assistance Team, Sukabumi District Stunting Task Force, Chief of PKK Team, Chief of Family Planning Village, cadre representatives, Midwives, Chief of Puskesmas. (*/Lp) (IAAS/ZQA)