Biotechnology study program of IPB University Graduate School Achieve Excellence Accreditation

Biotechnology study program of IPB University Graduate School Achieve Excellence Accreditation

Program Studi Bioteknologi Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Raih Akreditasi Unggul

Biochemistry (BTK) study program of IPB University Graduate School receives excellence accreditation from Natural Science and Formal Science Independent Accreditation Institute (Lamsama). This accreditation will be valid from May 27, 2024 until May 26, 2029.

BTK study program at IPB University is one of the first biotechnology study programs in Indonesia and was established in 1992. The beginning of the BTK study program was inseparable from the establishment of the Biotechnology Inter-University Center (PAU) in 1985 by three universities in Indonesia, which are IPB University, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), and Gadjah Mada University (UGM), each with their own focus of study.

“The results of this accreditation provide a very good opportunity for the BTK Study Program of IPB University to develop further and provide opportunities for undergraduate graduates who have a scientific background in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, food technology and agriculture in general to continue their studies in the BTK Study Program,” said Prof Miftahudin, Chairman of biochemistry (BTK) Study Program of IPB University.

Prof Miftahudin also added that the BTK study program is one of the multidisciplinary study programs at SPs IPB University. This study program provides education to master program students to later master the field of biotechnology with several specialisations to choose from, such as agricultural biotechnology, medical biotechnology, industrial biotechnology and soil and environmental biotechnology.

“After studying in the BTK Study Program, in addition to gaining general knowledge related to biotechnology, students will pursue more specific fields according to their interests. Later, they will also take several related courses and will take thesis research topics according to their field of interest,” he added.

Prof Miftahudin explained that the next development plan is to open a doctoral program. This step has been started by preparing an academic paper in order to propose the establishment of the BTK doctoral program at SPs IPB University.

“We have gotten an idea that this biotechnology master program exists at the university. I think some of the graduates would like to continue their studies to the doctoral level, so we hope to accommodate biotechnology master graduates from IPB University and from other universities,” he also explained.

Meanwhile, Dr Prayoga Suryadarma, Secretary of BTK Study Program of IPB University conveyed that the scope and curriculum in this study program are appropriate and can be used as a reference for the development of biotechnology science, both in national and international levels.

“One of the assessments of accreditation is the role of BTK Study Program alumni from various fields, ranging from national and private researchers, teachers and also industry has been at a good level, so it is very instrumental for the development of biotechnology today,” he added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/STD)