As many as 70 Education Personnel of IPB University Take the Civil Servant Service Examination in 2024

As many as 70 Education Personnel of IPB University Take the Civil Servant Service Examination in 2024

Sebanyak 70 Tenaga Kependidikan IPB University Ikuti Ujian Dinas PNS Tahun 2024

In order to improve the competence, as many as 70 Education Personnel (tendik) of IPB University took the service exam of Civil Servants (PNS) Year 2024. This activity was held in the Computer Lab Hall B, Institute for Information Management and Digital Transformation of IPB University, Campus of IPB Dramaga, Bogor (25/6).

The conducted official examination covered the materials of Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, Civil Service Regulations, Corps of Indonesian Employees (KORPRI), Organization and Work Procedures (OTK) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbud), Strategic Plan (Renstra) of Kemdikbud, History, and Indonesian Language.

Assistant Director of Career Development and Lecturer Competence, Directorate of Human Resources of IPB University, Diyanti, SKom, MM said that this official examination was intended for Tendik civil servants of class II/d who had the opportunity to be promoted to class III/a.

She said, class III/a will be equivalent to the undergraduate class. “The increase in this class is expected that employees no longer do technical work, but more on coordination. If previously they only operated computers, they are now expected to be able to process data. So that with the promotion, they also improve their competence, work quality, and contribution to IPB University,” she said.

IPB University’s Director of Human Resources, Dr Heti Mulyati, said that this promotion aims to ensure that a person deserves to be in that class based on the skills, competencies, and expertise shown. She said the whole process of this official examination was also a step to create a more professional and quality work environment.

“With the increase in tendik competence, institutional performance is expected to improve. This step is important for the development of human resources at IPB University and is expected to make a long-term positive contribution,” she said. (dr) (IAAS/Hap)