Anticipating Work Accidents, KMR IPB University Encourages Laboratories to Implement Risk Management-Based OHS SOPs

Anticipating Work Accidents, KMR IPB University Encourages Laboratories to Implement Risk Management-Based OHS SOPs

Antisipasi Kecelakaan Kerja, KMR IPB University Dorong Laboratorium Terapkan SOP K3 Berbasis Manajemen Risiko

Work accidents in educational laboratories cannot be avoided. However, with the implementation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for occupational safety and health (OHS) based on risk management, unwanted events in the laboratory can be anticipated.

In order to anticipate work accidents in the laboratory, the Risk Management Office (KMR) of IPB University held a Workshop on the Preparation of K3 SOPs for Educational Laboratories. This activity aims to compile and complete the K3 SOP for laboratories at IPB University.

Chairman of KMR IPB University, Ir Budi Purwanto, ME revealed, the large number of laboratories is a challenge for IPB University in implementing and ensuring the K3 SOP is carried out in each laboratory. However, KMR IPB University is committed to all laboratories implementing and running the K3 SOP that has been prepared.

He said, currently his party is trying to make the K3 SOP truly implemented in each laboratory. That is why KMR IPB University organized a workshop as a step to compile and implement the K3 SOP in educational laboratories. With the implementation of the K3 SOP in the laboratory, work units or individuals will enjoy a safe, healthy and prosperous way of working.

“Our common hope is that the SOP is risk-based. So, it is not only based on the SOP process, but also the process has seen what risks arise inherent in the process being carried out, that is our SOP. For those that already exist, it is necessary to check whether the risks along the process have been identified, the risk assessment is carried out, and the control measures are formulated,” he said.

Budi added that laboratory control measures include two things. The first is the prevention of hazardous materials that cause harm while working. The second is recovery or mitigation. Mitigation is done if prevention fails.

“We have to make sure that we are indeed working with dangerous materials, tools, and conditions, but we have identified the risks well. If prevention fails, we are also ready with recovery or mitigation. We hope that all of this will become our work culture as stated in the SOP,” he said.

The K3 SOP is an important prerequisite for good laboratory practice (GLP) to run. GLP is important for the work unit’s risk management system. According to Budi, although only compiling and adjusting the SOP, this is actually part of a big mission according to the tagline of IPB University, ‘Inspiring Innovation with Integrity’.

“The output of today’s workshop is to produce a good SOP, which is risk-based, and easy to run,” Budi concluded. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/STD)