A total of 432 lecturers and students of SKHB IPB University are ready to check the health of animals and sacrificial meat in four regions

A total of 432 lecturers and students of SKHB IPB University are ready to check the health of animals and sacrificial meat in four regions

Sebanyak 432 Dosen dan Mahasiswa SKHB IPB University Siap Bertugas Memeriksa Kesehatan Hewan dan Daging Kurban di Empat Wilayah

This year, the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University again plays an active role in helping the community to succeed the 1445 H sacrificial worship. 369 officers consisting of undergraduate, professional education, postgraduate students, and 63 teaching staff are ready to be deployed as a team of animal and sacrificial meat inspectors. The officers will be deployed to several sub-districts in Bogor Regency, Bogor City, Depok City, and DKI Jakarta Province.

Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB), Dr drh Amrozi, said that as many as 369 animal health and sacrificial meat inspectors will be deployed in Bogor Regency, 100 of them. Another 185 officers will be assigned to Bogor City, 39 to Depok City, and 45 to Jakarta.

Dr Amrozi added that the delivery of animal health inspectors and sacrificial meat is one of the concrete actions of IPB University’s concern for the community. “In addition to ensuring the safety and quality of sacrificial meat that will be consumed by the community, the IPB University delegation is also tasked with breaking the chain of the spread of infectious and zoonotic animal diseases that may arise due to the flow of livestock mobility that accompanies the sacrificial holiday,” said Dr Amrozi.

This routine service activity of SKHB IPB University would not be possible without the cooperation and assistance of the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development of IPB University; Bogor Regency Fisheries and Livestock Service Office; Bogor City Food Security and Agriculture Office; Depok City Food Security, Agriculture and Fisheries Office; DKI Jakarta Provincial Food Security, Marine and Agriculture Office; and all other parties who have supported this activity.

The release of the 1445 H Animal Health and Sacrificial Meat Inspectors from SKHB IPB University was carried out by the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana, at SKHB Building A.

In his speech, Prof Deni expressed his gratitude to the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedicine for always being present in the community by involving lecturers and students to carry out the Tridharma function of higher education. Especially in guaranteeing meat to be safe, healthy, intact and halal (ASUH) so that people are safe in ensuring the meat to be consumed.

Prof Deni also advised the students to get sufficient briefing and understanding of diseases including Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD). He explained that LSD is a disease that is often found in sacrificial animals.

“So students must be updated on the latest diseases whether meat from diseased animals can be consumed or not, or even should not be slaughtered,” said Prof Deni.

In addition, Prof Deni advised the students to use the opportunity to go to the field as well as possible. This is because there is an obligation for students to interact with the community, improve communication skills, cooperation, and critical thinking.

“By knowing the situation in the field, such as the lack of supporting facilities for animal health, students must be creative in conveying to administrators in the field, this is an opportunity to train communication in this matter. Good work, hope it goes well,” he said. (IAAS/RUM)