Welcoming the Golden Generation, National Seminar on Statistics and Data Science 2024 Held at IPB University

Welcoming the Golden Generation, National Seminar on Statistics and Data Science 2024 Held at IPB University

Songsong Generasi Emas, Seminar Nasional Statistika dan Sains Data 2024 Digelar di IPB University

Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University held the National Seminar on Statistics and Data Science (SNSSD) 2024 , in the Common Class Room (CCR) Auditorium, 27/5. The 2024 SNSSD activities carry the theme “Welcoming the Golden Generation Based on Statistics and Data Science.”

Chief Executive, Septian Rahardiantoro, PhD said that this statistics and data science seminar is an agenda that is held every year. According to him, this seminar is a forum for the development of statistics and data science in Indonesia.

“This seminar is a forum for the development of statistics and data science in Indonesia. Apart from that, SNSSD is also a forum for the Statistics and Data Science Department of IPB University to speed up student graduation because by attending seminars, students can present their final assignments and continue with thesis trials,” said Septian Rahardiantoro, PhD, IPB University lecturer from the Statistics and Data Science Study Program.

Septian added, apart from the seminar, there was an exhibition of work from 80 participants. These works include posters, infographics and dashboards. Also in this event, there was the launch of the Center for Statistics and Data Science (Pustaka) as a data center for various scientific disciplines.

The Dean of FMIPA IPB University, Dr Berry Juliandi also appreciated the implementation of this activity. “We appreciate the Department of Statistics and Data Science as one of the departments with the highest percentage of on-time graduation at FMIPA IPB University,” he said.

He also appreciated the efforts of the students who had become members of the committee. “Thank you to the students who have prepared this seminar. By holding this seminar, students must take advantage of this momentum to continue learning and developing themselves,” said Dr Berry Juliandi.

The 2024 National Seminar on Statistics and Data Science presented several speakers, including Prof Muhammad Nur Aidi, Andini Nauli Nasution, SSi, and Sufyan Masood, M.B.A.

SNSSD 2024 participants come from various universities such as IPB University, Karya Institute of Economy Science, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (UIN) Surabaya, State Islamic University of Walisongo Semarang, Islamic University of Indonesia, State University of Jakarta, Pakuan University, Pamulang University, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, and the Open University. (/ra) (IAAS/HSY)