The Story of Fitrah Rachmat Kautsar, an IPB University Alumnus who is Now the CEO of Citiasia Inc

The Story of Fitrah Rachmat Kautsar, an IPB University Alumnus who is Now the CEO of Citiasia Inc

Cerita Fitrah Rachmat Kautsar, Alumni IPB University yang Kini Jadi CEO Citiasia Inc

Fitrah Rachmat Kautsar, an alumnus of IPB University, is the inspiring figure behind the success of Citiasia Inc, a pioneering company in smart city development in Indonesia.

Fitrah started his journey in 2011 when he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Industrial Technology from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University. After graduating from IPB University, he started his career at the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) as an analyst for the next few years.

With Bappenas, Fitrah gained a lot of experience in the field of planning, as well as monitoring and evaluating development performance. During the same period, he also continued his studies at the Master of Planning and Public Policy, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia.

In 2015, Fitrah joined the newly established Citiasia Inc and played a pivotal role in building and shaping the company’s foundation from the very beginning. Starting as a project manager at Citiasia and lead consultant for one of the company’s business lines, the Citasia Center for Smart Nation (CCSN), he worked his way up to Chief Operating Officer in 2018, until he was appointed as Chief Executive Officer in 2022 until now.

While at IPB University, Fitrah was active in academic activities, such as being a finalist and presenter in the Student Creativity Program (PKM)-Technology. His participation in the National Scientific Week (Pimnas) has even started since the first level.

On campus, he is also active in student organizations (ormawa). His activities in ormawa can be seen from the first level to the faculty. Even at the national level, he was once elected as Chairman of the BEM of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and became a representative in the Indonesian Agricultural Technology Student Association.

“The application of self and time management is one of the keys that allows me to maintain a balance between my role as a student in the academic field and organizational responsibilities,” said Fitrah when asked the secret of success during his career on campus.

“In addition, support from the surrounding environment, especially friends and seniors, is also key to success while on campus,” he added.

With a clear and sharp direction, strategy, and planning, Fitrah is committed to realizing Citiasia’s vision as a leader in smart city and smart enterprise services. With Fitrah Rachmat Kautsar at the helm, Citiasia Inc has set a strong foundation to usher Indonesia into a smarter and more sustainable digital era. (Shintia/Rz) (IAAS/PRP)