Strengthening Relationship, HA IPB East Kalimantan Holds Halalbihalal, Sulaeman: Hoping to Keep Harmony, Guyub and Solid

A gathering as well as halalbihalal was held by the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of Alumni Association (HA) IPB University East Kalimantan (Kaltim). The event entitled ‘Alumni Togetherness, One Heart, One IPB’ was attended by Assistant III of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan, Riza Indra Riadi.
Chairman of the Committee of Halalbihalal HA IPB East Kalimantan 1445 Hijriah, Andhi Trisnaputra said, approximately 100 members of HA IPB East Kalimantan attended the halalbihalal event which took place at Mercure Hotel Samarinda. “We can see that the members are enthusiastically present to establish friendship among IPB University graduates in all districts and cities in East Kalimantan here,” he said.
Andhi revealed, to enliven the event, the committee presented ustaz Nasir Kadri to provide enlightenment to halalbihalal participants. “In addition, the organising committee provides door prize draws to all participants who attend. Every member who attended we gave a coupon for the prize draw,” he said.
“Each participant can bring home a prize through the lottery number that we randomise. At the end of the event, we raffled off two precious gold metal door prizes of one gram each for two lucky participants,” he explained.
Chairman of DPD HA IPB East Kalimantan, Sulaeman explained, the meaning of the theme raised by this year’s halalbihalal reflects that the alumni of IPB East Kalimantan must be together, solid and always have togetherness. “Therefore, I advise all members present to stay harmonious, harmonious and solid among fellow alumni,” he said.
He emphasised, with the presence of the State Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan, his party and all East Kalimantan IPB alumni are ready to contribute according to their respective fields in building IKN in the future. Moreover, this year approaching the political year, he appealed to remain solid and create conducive election conditions in order to produce trustworthy leaders according to the expectations of all communities.
In addition, he gave appreciation to the senior alumni of HA IPB East Kalimantan. One of them is Prof Muchlis Rahmat, a lecturer at Mulawarman University (Unmul) and Assistant III of East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Riza Indra Riadi who is also an alumnus of IPB University. Currently, Riza is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of HA IPB East Kalimantan.
“I really appreciate his presence which always routinely attends every event held by DPD IPB East Kalimantan. I also express my gratitude for the support of sponsors such as IMT, Sinarmas, Semesta Himba Borneo, Berau Coal, Dies Sport Centre, Trustindo Certification,” he added.
Meanwhile, the representative of the Unmul Alumni Family Association (IKA), Dr Hj Meiliana assessed that the theme raised by DPD HA IPB East Kalimantan was very appropriate. The existence of this gathering is to strengthen the relationship of one alumni with other alumni. “I had exchanged mobile phone numbers with the alumni of IPB East Kalimantan to increase the family network. Considering all the alumni of IPB East Kalimantan, many are involved in the government and some work in the East Kalimantan Governor’s Office,” she said.
“Not only that, I see that some of the alumni of IPB East Kalimantan have become coal entrepreneurs to palm oil entrepreneurs. Hopefully, the various professions that exist throughout East Kalimantan will add to our cohesiveness to support the development of IKN in the future,” she concluded. (pms/as/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)