SEED Fest 2024: A Platform for Social Innovators to be Born for IPB University Students

SEED Fest 2024: A Platform for Social Innovators to be Born for IPB University Students

SEED Fest 2024: Wadah Lahirnya Inovator Sosial bagi Mahasiswa IPB University
Student Insight EN

The Department of Communication Science and Community Development (SKPM) of IPB University gave birth to student social startup innovations through SEED Fest 2024 which was held at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, 28/5. The theme of SEED Fest 2024 was “Innovate to Elevate: Youth Venture in Transforming the Future.”

SEED Fest 2024 served as the final workshop of the Social Ecosystem Digital (SEED) course. At least six finalists were selected to be the main presenters who explained their social startup innovations to the panelist lecturers.

Course coordinator, Prof Lala M. Kolopaking, said SEED Fest 2024 seeks to produce seeds that are ready to be planted to meet the future. She said that students as the next generation of the nation must be prepared to become good social learners.

“SEED teaches the values of working together and competing in social harmony. Hopefully this will always be felt in the future,” said Prof Lala M Kolopaking.

Prof Lala continued, hoping that the SEED course can form a digital ecosystem that can produce innovations related to social digital. These innovations are expected to be the answer to various social problems in a complex society.

On this occasion, the finalists presented their innovation profiles. The first finalist to appear was Oleloka, which made a social startup innovation in the form of a platform that accommodates the marketing of Indonesian micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) products. The second finalist, LeftOverLove, provides solutions related to food waste that occurs in Indonesia. WestFriend, as the third finalist, provides solutions to waste management that has not been resolved in Indonesia.

The next three finalists are StuntGuard, To-Dis, and Parenthings. Each of these finalists provides solutions to stunting conditions in Indonesia. These startups focus on natural disaster preparedness education targeting children, as well as social startup innovations that help in childcare.

Each finalist explained the purpose of the innovation. Not only that, the finalists were also asked to explain the various appearance and features of the innovation, the advantages of innovation, cost design, uniqueness of innovation, consumer segmentation, key partners to be involved, and plans for the realization and development of the social startup innovation.

SEED Fest 2024 was attended by 150 participants consisting of lecturers and practicum lecturers, panelist lecturers, six finalists, SKPM IPB University students, and postgraduate students from the Rural Sociology Study Program.

There was also a Mini Talkshow delivered by Muhammad Fahmi as Founder and Chairman of Learning of the startup startup is also a sponsor for SEED Fest 2024.

The event was closed with the announcement of the winning finalists. The 3rd place winner was To-Dis, the 2nd place winner was WestFriend, and the 1st place winner was LeftOverLove. (/ra) (IAAS/NYS)