PSL IPB University Doctoral Study Program Brings Professor from University of Zagreb

PSL IPB University Doctoral Study Program Brings Professor from University of Zagreb

Prodi Doktor PSL IPB University Datangkan Profesor dari University of Zagreb

Study Program (Prodi) Doctor of Natural Resources and Environmental Management (PSL) Graduate School (SPs) IPB University held a general lecture presenting speakers Prof Željko Bačić and Dr Zvonimir Nevistić from the University of Zagreb, Croatia at the Baranangsiang IPB University Campus (20-23/5).

This activity was attended by students of the PSL IPB University Study Program and other study programs such as the Regional Planning Study Program and the Soil Science Study Program of the Faculty of Agriculture, as well as from the Faculty of Forestry and Environment.

In a recent speech, Professor Widiatmaka, the esteemed Chairman of the Doctoral Study Program of PSL at IPB University, highlighted that the ongoing activity falls under the Erasmus international program cooperation established between IPB University and the University of Zagreb. Professor Widiatmaka further elaborated that the PSL Doctoral Study Program is currently serving as a gracious host within this collaborative framework.

This Erasmus program fosters academic exchange and opens doors for valuable knowledge sharing between the two institutions. It provides a platform for researchers, faculty, and students to engage in collaborative projects, explore new avenues of research, and contribute to advancements in their respective fields. By hosting this activity, the PSL Doctoral Study Program plays a pivotal role in strengthening the ties between IPB University and the University of Zagreb,ultimately enriching the educational and research experiences for all participants.

“We express our gratitude for the presence of speakers from the University of Zagreb, Croatia who through this activity have added insight and knowledge to our students,” he said.

He added, previously the PSL Doctoral Study Program had collaborated with the University of Zagreb in the University Network for Disaster Risk Reduction (UN4DRR) program in 2020-2023. ‘Right now, the cooperation will be renewed through the initiative of Prof Željko Bačić in the new Erasmus programme which will be focussed on agriculture and the precision environment,’ said Prof Widiatmaka.

Meanwhile, Prof. Lina Karlinasari, Secretary of Doctoral Study Program PSL IPB UNiversity explained, the arrival of Prof Željko Bačić and Dr Zvonimir Nevistić this time discussed more about themes related to digital twin technology supporting development and management of green and smart cities. Both of them also conveyed the use of drones as a smart solution in urban and rural areas.

“We are very lucky to have this partner from the University of Zagreb. The cooperation that has been well established really supports the international collaboration of the study program. In the future, this cooperation can be developed in research cooperation or other academic program joining activities,” he added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/IAN)