Preparing the IPB University Student Group as a Farmer Facilitator, the Garden Surgery Pilot Program is Held

Preparing the IPB University Student Group as a Farmer Facilitator, the Garden Surgery Pilot Program is Held

Persiapkan Kelompok Mahasiswa IPB University sebagai Fasilitator Petani, Program Percontohan Bedah Kebun Digelar

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development IPB held Technical Guidance (BIMTEK) for Ugab Cultivation at Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP), (5/19). This activity was carried out in order to carry out the Garden Surgery Pilot Program. The program is a program that focuses on optimising the potential of vacant land around the campus through the cultivation of potential agricultural commodities.

Muhammad Isbayu, Social Entrepreneurship Supervisor of DPMA IPB University explained, this program is the first step in preparing participants to become facilitators. “This program is the first step to prepare the participants to become a facilitator who will later go down to the assisted village. DPMA IPB University will help equip the participants from the preparation of sweet potato cultivation to marketing,” said Isbayu.

In addition, he said, we hope that through this program the participants can improve their skills and knowledge, especially in sweet potato commodities. According to him, sweet potatoes are a potential commodity to be developed, especially in the Bogor area.

Meanwhile, Sarwono as the Manager of ATP IPB University explained that there is potential to develop sweet potato cultivation in campus circle villages. “In addition, seeing that there are still many untapped vacant lands optimally, through this garden surgery pilot program, it is expected to boost land productivity, especially in the IPB Dramaga campus ring village, Bogor,” said Sarwono.

On that occasion, Sarwono distributed materials related to the technical cultivation of sweet potatoes which included cultivation preparation, the introduction of pests and diseases, to their marketing potential. According to him, sweet potato is a commodity that has economic value and tends to be easy to cultivate.

“We have collaborated with market partners who are ready to be the offtaker of sweet potato commodities with fairly high demand. Therefore, the development of the sweet potatoes business ecosystem in this campus circle village has the potential to be done,” he explained.

This activity was attended by 26 active IPB University students from various faculties. In addition to materials, the participants also get the opportunity to carry out soil cultivation practises and plant sweet potatoes on ATP land.

Hadi, an IPB University student who was one of the participants revealed that he was very lucky to get the opportunity. “The activity is exciting because we can increase experience and knowledge, we learn how to use tractors and know how to grow sweet potatoes,” he said. (/ra) (IAAS/IAN)