Prepare for Service Examination of Education Personnel, Directorate of Human Resources of IPB University Gives Briefing

Prepare for Service Examination of Education Personnel, Directorate of Human Resources of IPB University Gives Briefing

Persiapkan Ujian Dinas Tenaga Kependidikan, Direktorat SDM IPB University Beri Pengarahan

IPB University through the Directorate of Human Resources (HR) held a briefing of Level I Service Examination of Education Personnel (Tendik) of Civil Servants (PNS) in 2024. The activity took place in the Common Class Room (CCR) Building, IPB Dramaga Campus (20/5).

A total of 75 education personnel (tendik) civil servants in the environment of IPB University with the rank of class II/d followed this briefing. This activity is an annual event of IPB University in preparing the tendik to face the level I service exam in June.

“IPB University facilitates briefings for tendik PNS so that they can update their memories about the official exam material later. It is hoped that the participants can pass the service exam and get a promotion to class III/a,” said Diyanti, SKom, MM, Assistant Director of Career Development and Lecturer Competence, Directorate of Human Resources of IPB University.

She added, almost 90 percent of the participants who attended the briefing served as field workers such as security personnel, technicians, and gardeners. Most of the tendik are high school graduates so he hopes that through this briefing they can do the official exam questions well.

The resource persons for the official exam briefing came from IPB University lecturers. The materials presented include Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, History, Indonesian Employee Corps (Korpri), Ministry Strategic Plan (Renstra), Organizational Structure, Indonesian Language and Computer Introduction.

The participants will also conduct online trials at the Computer Laboratory, Computer Center Building, IPB Dramaga Campus. The briefing activity took place from May 20 to 22, 2024. (Frans/Rz) (IAAS/FAE)