Practitioner Teaching at IKN Study Program, IPB University Vocational School, Highlights the Importance of Fish Quarantine

Practitioner Teaching at IKN Study Program, IPB University Vocational School, Highlights the Importance of Fish Quarantine

Praktisi Mengajar di Prodi IKN Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Soroti Pentingnya Karantina Ikan

As an effort to increase understanding and awareness of the importance of fish quarantine in Indonesia’s fisheries conservation strategy, the Fish Hatchery Technology and Management Study Program (IKN), IPB University Vocational School, held another Teaching Practitioner activity on Tuesday, (14/5).

As part of the Independent Campus Learning program, this time the Teaching Practitioner carries the theme of the urgency of fish quarantine for the future of Indonesian fisheries. The activity took place in the Grouper Room, Fisheries Tub, IPB University Vocational School, and took place in a hybrid manner.

Present as a practitioner lecturer Dr Heny Budi Utari, MKes from PT Central Proteina Prima Tbk. In her presentation, Dr Heny emphasized the importance of steps in carrying out fish quarantine. “Fish quarantine procedures involve several important stages, from acclimatization to fish health checks,” she said.

Furthermore, Dr Heny emphasized the importance of strict supervision during the quarantine period to ensure fish health. He explained the detailed inspection process carried out if there are indications of disease in fish.

“If there are signs of disease, pathology examination is carried out with level one and two diagnosis to determine the condition of the fish and the steps to handle it. “Fish that are healthy or declared free from pests and diseases can then be transferred to the rearing tanks,” she said.

On the same occasion, the Chief of the IKN Study Program at IPB University Vocational School, Dr Wiyoto, appreciated the activities carried out by the course teaching team. “This activity is very good in deepening the course, I thank the teaching team, lecturers in the study program and all students,” he said.

Dr Wiyoto also highlighted the importance of fish quarantine in preserving Indonesian fisheries. “Fish quarantine is a vital preventive measure to prevent the spread of fish pests and diseases, both from abroad and within the country. This is one of the efforts of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) in maintaining the quality and safety of fishery products and ensuring compliance with regulations,” he concluded. (APF/ASW/Rz) (IAAS/Ard)