PKSPL IPB University Together with the Directorate General of Hubla Holds Port Expert Training Batch 47

PKSPL IPB University Together with the Directorate General of Hubla Holds Port Expert Training Batch 47

PKSPL IPB University Bersama Ditjen Hubla Adakan Diklat Ahli Kepelabuhanan Angkatan 47

The Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL) at IPB University, together with the Directorate General of Sea Transportation (Ditjen Hubla) and the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), RI, again held through Education and Training (Diklat) Port Expert. The 47th Batch of Port Expert Training is an effort to enrich the competence of human resources (HR) in the port sector.

Chairman of PKSPL IPB University, Prof Yonvitner said that port and logistics are part of the competence of the three mandates of IPB University, namely agriculture, marine, and biosciences. One of IPB University’s contributions in the maritime sector is consistently organizing port expert training.

“Until now, PKSPL IPB University has graduated more than 1,700 alumni who are competent and certified in operating ports in accordance with Government Regulation (PP) No. 61 of 2009,” he said.

Through this port expert training, PKSPL IPB University prepares transportation human resources to answer future maritime challenges. Collaboration across stakeholders is needed to accelerate Indonesia’s maritime development. In the end, it also has a positive impact on marine transportation personnel so that the Port Ecosystem is built, which aims to create cost efficiency at the port.

“The challenge we face today is the implementation of development work, distribution of port governance. For this reason, cooperation and commitment are needed between the center and the regions. Higher education, in this case PKSPL IPB University, is ready to fill the spaces for human resource development,” he explained.

At the international level, there is the issue of the blue economy, which also explains sustainable port. Responding to global conditions, ports must be agile, and port activities must transform towards sustainability. One thing that can be done is an environmentally friendly energy transition, using sophisticated information technology and starting to apply the concept of green finance to activities.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Port Development Planning Order Sub Directorate, Directorate General of Hubla, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Ison Hendrasto, in his speech, emphasized the urgency of digital transformation in every sector. This will undoubtedly facilitate and accelerate the administrative process, coordination, and business activities at the port.

“We welcome the holding of the 47th batch of Port Expert Training activities. I hope this activity can provide tangible benefits for the development of quality sea transportation human resources, especially in the field of ports.
port system for the implementation of a reliable, competitive port system, that is able to adapt quickly to the times,” he explained.

He hopes that this training will be able to provide recommendations that answer the problems that occur in the regions and the center, address national geopolitics, and minimize the regulation gap for the realization of national development in the maritime sector, especially sea transportation and logistics. (RAR/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)